I don't know what It Is but I love You

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Okey, I wanna get something straight.. That last chapter, I did NOT mean to sound like i'm copying ANYONE! My laptop crashed so I have to use my mom's laptop. She likes to use hers a lot so I don't get that long to use it, so I kinda have to type quick. I don't get much time to go over it and check everything (i actually don't get anytime for that) so excuse anything like copying or misspelled crap, or stuff..

Second, I changed up that summary thing for my story because I changed up the plot a little.. I got some ideas to spice up the story and I don't think anyone used them yet, sooo.. yea.

And Third, i kinda think we have more girls than boys, so if you wanna request either a dude celeb or a dude name (i suck at thinking those up) please do! I'd probably rather jusst have dude names so yea.. anywhooooo.. Back to the story!!!

Oh yea, and when cued, you might wanna start playing "Missin You" by Mindless Behavior (who else? theyre awesome!)


Roc's P.O.V.

When Kiara came with RayRay to our place, I was pretty surprised. I was thinking she would probably never come there again, since I live there. I took the oppurtunity, when everyone was in Prod's room, to apologize to her. I poured my heart out, and surprisingly, she took my apology very fast. I was sooo relieved. Later, when Prod and RayRay (Reem) were together naturually in front of ShuShu and didn't need to hide anything, I felt envious. I tried to relax on the hiding thing a little bit, but Kiara didn't. THEN, when she kissed RayRay IN FRONT OF ME, I got really ticked. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to get me back, for going with LeLe, her friend. I was pissed off! I just left, right then and there. RayRay obviously didn't do anything about it. I didn't give a fuck about him anymore. I ran all the way to the pond and sat there throwing rocks, not pebbles, rocks into the pond. The flew and plopped into the water, splashing the surroundings. Out of nowhere, a mama duck and it's baby came into the pond. I picked up another rock, but dropped it back on the ground. I looked at the mama duck and thought about Kiara, having to raise a baby on her own. I looked back at the rock and thought to myself, Who the fuck am I? I'm letting a girl i've been with for a little less than a month get to me. The other side of my head was saying, Let her. You like her. She likes you. You two obviously need to be together. Those two sides of my head felt as if they were at war. I looked back at the ducks and realized, I'm not Roc anymore. I'm a guy who's an animal lover and into his music. I'm here throwing rocks at pond full of animals, and I haven't done any music for about a month. I got up, dusted off my clothes with my hands, and began to walk away, and find myself. Cause I was sure as hell, he was not here.

LeLe's P.O.V.

Early this morning, I decided to go the dance studio and dragg Lan along. She stayed for about 30 minutes, until Baro caled her for a date. I stayed and worked on my moves. I actually got pretty good. I stood in the center of the room in my bright orange,sparkly,  loose tank, and shorts. My earring dangled on my sides and my boots sparkled and shimmered across the room. I actually looked more like I was going to a party than to practice some dances. "Dancing in the Dark" echoed in the room, so loud I didn't hear the door open, and someone walk in.

Lan's P.O.V.

Ever since I found out that it was Baro at the mall, we hung out more, went on more dates, and I became his girlfriend. He was sweet, cute, and everything I would want in a guy. Today, he invited me over to his place. We really didn't do much. We basically just listened to some music and talked a little. Then, his phone rang and he had to leave the room for a second. I nodded and continued listening to music, when another band member, Sandeul, sat next to me.

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