I Promise

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Aaliyah<3: Gurl, you betta tell him

*BADASSKIARA*: Lee! I said I don't know for sure!

Aaliyah<3: What are you talking about?!? Ya juz took the fuckin test! You kno for sure!

*BADASSKIARA*: It's gunna jack up his entire career if it gets out, ShuShu is gunna hate me, and my mom will be more disappointed in me thann EVERR!

Aaliyah<3: Oh come on! First of all, the press dont needa know, juz a few people. And fuck ShuShu. You like him, he likes you. That aint for her to choose.

*BASASSKIARA*: Aaliyah! Juz please help me!

Aaliyah<3: Aight, I juz talked to mii mom and she says she'll drive me to yur house in an hour, and I can stay over the weekend.

*BADASSKIARA*: Yay! Awesum. Aight Hurry here!

Aaliyah<3: kk. Juz make sure you tell him or I'll cancel.

*BADASSKIARA*: Arite. I'll tell him rite now. Yur the best cuz ever

Aaliyah<3: iknow! lol


Kiara's P.O.V.

I quickly pull out my phone to text Roc. To my surprise, and somewhat disappointment, he responded right away.

Me: Hey, I gotta talk to you about something

Roc: Yea, wassup babe?

Me: Uhmm.. I took a test and..

Roc: NO WAY! Seriously?

Me: Yea.. U mad?

Roc: Naw.. juz..

Me: Im sorry, I know.. this is gunna mess up yur career. im juz gunna schedule an abortion on Monday.

Roc: NO! Dont.. Im juz surprised thats all..

Me: Are you sure?

Roc: Positive.

Me: But you'll have to stay by my side the entire time

Roc: I promise.

Me: Good.

Roc: Yea I gotta go though.  Homework.

Me: Yea, me too. I'll see ya.

Roc: 1-4-3 <3

Roc's P.O.V.

I put my phone in my pocket and continued watching the movie.

Leaira: *sitting on Roc's lap* Who was that?

Roc: Huh?

Leaira: Who was that you were texting right then?

Roc: Oh, uh. RayRay.

Leaira: But he's like four feet away in his room.

Roc: Yea, cuz.. he can't get his lazy ass off the bed just to tell me to turn the volume down.

Leaira: Oh arite. *kisses Roc and rests her head on his shoulder*

Roc: (thinking-- I promise.... almost)

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