This Message

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I couldn't stop it, it crawled it's way back into my life

Monsters of my thoughts, taunting and teasing me once again

Fighting off old demons has worn me down enough and I have finally lost my strength

A cry for help is unheard of and often unnoticed by you

Lying to my friends and to my family that I have moved on and I can no longer hear the voices

Looking into the mirror just rips me back to the memories of my imperfections

I cannot seem to get myself out of this trend no matter how hard I try

Nothing seems to be working anymore or show any signs of progress like it use to

Give me some kind of hand to pull me away before its too late

Against the wall is where it has me corned like a criminal

God please, please, save me because I've failed time after time to save myself

Anybody could have helped, but you all seemed so caught up in your own troubles to solve mine

I'm so sorry, but I can no longer fake this life any longer

Now it's time for me to finally say goodbye


Read the first letter of each line.


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