Ninteenth Target, Reborn

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Tsuna and Yuni peeped through the half opened door to the kitchen. The saw Reborn was there, sleeping in his sitting form. The coffee cup was empty, telling that he fell asleep as soon as he finished drinking.

The Vongola Don smiled to himself. Yuni began to worry. She turned to him. " Sawada-san, do you think this is a good idea? What if Uncle Reborn wake up and sees us? " she asked in a whispering tone.

The young brunet assured her. " Don't worry. What I want you to do is only look around. If someone coming, please inform me. " With that, Yuni was left outside to guard. That was when a lot of people came into the place.

They were shocked to see her there.

" Yuni? What are you doing here? "

" Everybody has been thinking that you get kidnapped. "

" Did you have seen Sawada lately? "

Yuni smiled sheepishly until a yelp of pain echoed inside the kitchen. The people were curious and began to look inside. The Giglionero girl let them entered, thinking that hindering them to enter would gain too much suspicion. She expected Tsuna failed to catch Reborn at all.

There, inside, Reborn was leaving with a green sack. They wondered what inside the sack. Yuni who saw it gulped. The Vongola Decimo was caught for once a while by no one other than his tutor.

Reborn smirked. " This is what you got for disturbing my nap, Dame-Tsuna. "

I think Tsuna's adventure ended here... or maybe?

Finally! Tsuna was caught by Reborn! Good job, Hitman!

Reborn: It is a piece of cake for me.

Anyway, it isn't finish yet. Truth will be revealed in the next few chapters! Stay tuned for the updates!

I appreciate every comment and vote you give, dear readers! Thank you for those who read this also!

Ciao ciao ~!

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