Sixth Target, Lambo

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Lambo was having his snack in the kitchen when his Tsuna-nii barged inside. The young guardian startled which made his precious hot chocolate spilled onto his clothes. He shouted in pain for the hotness.

" That's sure hot, right? " Tsuna stated blankly as he watched his lightning guardian. Lambo glanced at him.

" Next time knock the door before entering, Lambo. "

" It should be you who have to knock the door! " replied Lambo angrily. He took the spilled drink and went to wash it. Suddenly, Tsuna asked him.

" Lambo, what did you do last weekend? "

Young guardian turned around and saw the brunet boss smiling, creepy. He gulped a while as he answered. " Nah... nothing special. Just went to the town with I pin and played video games with Takeshi-nii. After that, Reborn disturbed us and began to shoot everything on us. "

Upon hearing the teen's answer, Tsuna went all happy, grinning like idiot. His grin made Lambo sweatdropped. Yep, it was scary. Before he could ask more, the Decimo was gone from sight.

Lambo looked around and wondered if it was an illusion before. He shrugged as he silently walked out the kitchen, feeling traumatized a little...

Well, since no one suggest anything, and suddenly I got ideas, I decided to publish this.

However, if you wish to suggest anyone from KHR, you are welcomed.

I appreciate it and will do my best.

Anyway, thanks for those who votes and I'm happy with it!

Stay tuned if you wish to know what actually happened on our favourite Tuna!

Comment and vote are welcomed. Ciao, ciao ~

#Now listening to Katekyo Ondo by Tsuna and Reborn (*^ω^*)#

Tsuna, The Vongola Decimo [ COMPLETE ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum