Eleventh Target, Lal Mirch

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Spartan woman was furious when a certain brunet dare to sneak in her room and actually found out her secret. She was going to shot his brain out from its skull with her favourite rifle.

" Sawada, get your lazy ass out my room before I shoot you, " threatened Lal as she positioned her rifle. Sawada was sitting on the chair, smiling innocently at her. Vein popped from her head. The smile irritated her.

" Lal-san, I have a question ~ " he said in a singsonged tune. Lal tried to hold the urge to kill this brunet right away. She growled. " Get out. "

Tsuna pouted. " What did you do on last weekend? "

The woman was upset. Right now she was more than angry. She was annoyed. At the same time curious with his sudden change of personality. She folded her arms.

" It's none of your business, Sawada. Now get the hell out of here, " she ordered. More like commanding him to walk out from her room. However, Tsuna refused to go. Instead, he showed her some photos which he found before.

Lal was surprised. She had to get it back before the brunet took them and began to spread rumour. She leapt forward to catch him. Tsuna dodged and started a run. In his HDWM, he escaped through the door while saying, " I'm going to show these pictures to Reborn or maybe Colonello-san. Until then, bye Lal Mirch ~ "

After realizing his motive, said Spartan woman took her rifle with her and went after him. She yelled furiosly, " Sawada!! Get the hell back here or I will shoot you!! "

The yell echoed around the mansion. Gokudera, Chrome, Yamamoto, Mukuro and Hibari heard it. Hibari who wanted to withdraw from the group also stopped when they heard sound of shooting, explosion and cat growling.

Tsuna was such a naughty boss sometimes....

Oh, poor Lal Mirch had to deal with insane or not yet insane Tsuna.

Anyway, comment and vote are appreciate very much. Thank you.

Stay tuned for the next update! Ciao ciao!

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