All I Wanted Was You Chapter 20: Through Glass

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So while you're outside looking in

Describing what you see

Remember what you're staring at is me

'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass

Don't know how much time has passed

All I know is that it feels like forever

But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home

Sitting all alone inside your head

Through Glass -Stone Sour

Edward's POV

A hundred years ago, if someone was to ask me what the scariest moment of my life was I would say, being turned into a cold, dark vampire. However today my answer would change, even if I was currently a vampire. Today my answer would be using the love of my life as bait to destroy a dark, dangerous vampire named Sarah.

I turned to my right and glanced at Bella, the most beautiful woman in the world. Although I wanted to believe our plan would work, I was worried this would be the last time I would ever see her stunning face again. Her brown hair was flowing freely down her perfect face and her lips looked luscious and sweet. Oh how I loved her so much. I desperately wished I could put my foot on the brake of my Volvo, turn around and go back home with Bella but I knew I couldn't. I knew that although I was worried about the plan, it was the only one we had and I knew once Sarah was taken care of, everything would be over. There wasn't anything I would do for Bella, even if that meant putting myself in harms way. I trusted my family so I had to have faith that this plan would work out. For once I was thankful I was a vampire because if I was still human my heart would be playing a loud drum solo and my hands would be violently shaking so bad, they wouldn't be able to grip the round, leather steering wheel in front of me.

As I watched the rain drops dance on my windshield I thanked Carlisle in my head for deciding to take my Volvo just in case something went wrong and Bella needed to quickly escape. It put my thoughts a little at ease but they were still jumping around in my head. I looked at Bella again who was now looking out her window. All I wanted to do was hug her and tell her everything would be okay but I didn't want to lie to her, because unfortunately I didn't know for sure, if everything would be alright.

"Are you okay love? You know we do not have to do this, you can change your mind." I asked as I wrapped my hand around her own delicate one.

Even though I wanted her to change her mind, I knew she wouldn't. I knew I wouldn't either.

Bella turned to look at me.

"I am fine Edward. I know I can change my mind but I am not going to. I want to do this. I have to." She said as she smiled and squeezed my hand tight.

That was my Bella, strong and brave. Everything about her I loved. She deserved to have everything because she was so beautiful, and as soon as I saw the forest entrance and the battlefield behind it, I felt guilty for having caused so much pain and grief in her life. If I wasn't in her life she would be perfectly safe.

"You are so brave and strong love. I wish you had not met me because then you would not have to put your life in danger for me. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy and safe and now look at you; you are on your way to face one of the deadliest vampires in existence. All I want is for you to live a normal human life because that is what you deserve." I said as I stopped the car in front of the forest entrance. I tried to focus on the task at hand but all I could think of was my beautiful Bella and how I had failed her.

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