All I Wanted Was You Chapter 16: My Love

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today you will sleep your way

you will wait for me my love

now i am strong

you gave me all

you gave all you had

and now i am whole- My Love SIA.

Where we left off:

"Edward what is wrong and do not lie to me!" She asked.

I sighed. I could not lie to her. Not to my love. She had to know. It was her right to know.

"It was Jasper; he said he and Emmett had caught Sarah's scent when they were coming back from searching the woods, which means she is near."

Edward's Point of View

It pained me with every inch of my cold body to admit to Bella, what I had heard in my head from Jasper. I hated to see Bella's beautiful eyes change into puddles of pain and suffocating sorrow. I hated to be the reason for Bella's fear and all I wanted to do was grab her tight and whisk her far away where no one could hurt her. But I knew that was impossible and I knew I had to face Sarah sooner or later. It was the only way to keep my beautiful Bella safe.

"She is back? Well then I am going to come downstairs with you to discuss Sarah with your family. I want to know what is going on with Sarah." She exclaimed quickly pulling the sheets back.

Although I knew she desperately wanted to know what was going on, I wanted her safe and secure in her own bed. I did not want her to become involved in any heavy issues regarding Sarah until she had recovered from her fall.

"Please love stay in bed, you have already been through enough, I don't want to make things worse for you already. I promise I will only be a couple minutes. I will tell you what is going on but you need your rest and I would like it if you could stay in bed. Alice has already said she wants a break from discussing Sarah, so she offered to keep you company since I know how you fear to be alone." I explained as I stood up, shuffling my feet, trying not to show how sincerely frustrated and anxious I was. I really wanted to go and sit beside her but her delicious smell was really addicting. It was like heroine. I knew if I sat down beside her, her smell would hit me like a ton of bricks and I would lust to bite her. I knew if I started to bite her and taste her blood, I would never stop. I would want all of her blood. Ever since I had human blood, I had been desiring that crystal, crimson blood even more now. Bella's blood smelt more intriguing to me than the victim I drained by the road. So I knew that if I stepped any closer to Bella, my desires would take full control and I would not be able to stop myself. It was so difficult to stand there and block the sweet aroma from my nose so in order to distract my mind from biting Bella, I thought of Sarah.

I knew Sarah was powerful and at that moment I had no idea how my family and I would be able to destroy her. I knew I had to, in order to protect my love, but I just didn't know how. I willfully wished Bella would listen to me and stay in her bed because I didn't want her to hear how dangerous Sarah was. The last thing I wanted to do was to make her more worried and scared. My Bella didn't deserve that. But as I saw Bella move her feet back inside the sheets, I knew I had won. I smiled.

"I love you Bella, I will be back soon." I said finally realizing that I could not stand in the same vicinity as Bella anymore. The more I looked at Bella, the more my demon desires tried to take over. So even though I wanted to kiss her and let her know I would be back soon, I couldn't. I couldn't take that chance. So I quickly fled from the agonizing scene.

"So what is our game plan?"

I heard Emmett ask as soon as I stepped into the large kitchen. Esme, Rosalie and Alice were all sitting at the kitchen table. Carlisle and Emmett were both leaning against the granite counter top which faced the direction of the large glass table. Jasper, who was standing by himself, was leaning against the door way trying to ease everyone's emotions. They all held frustrated and painful expressions on their faces. As soon as Alice saw me, she quickly jumped up from her seat.

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