All I Wanted Was You Chapter 14: Home

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Home, welcome home

Take a little walk, take a little walk right through our

Home, this is home

Take a little walk, take a little walk right through our... home

Home – Collective Soul

Edward's Point of View

I could not help but feel smug and happy when I saw Jacob phase back into a mutt and fly into the woods. I was so proud of Bella for what she had said to Jacob. I was proud she finally told him how she felt. Her strength memorized me. She was so beautiful. Now Bella was mine and would always be. But as soon as I looked over my smile faded as I saw Bella's beautiful body fall furiously to the ground. Thankfully I saw Esme and Alice who were standing right beside Bella when she fell, quickly kneel down to check Bella's situation.

"BELLA!" I yelled worried about my love. I could still hear her heartbeat so I knew she was still alive but I was still worried about her safety. Why had she fallen to the ground? Was she okay? Oh please let my love be alright. She had to be alright.

I ran quickly over to Bella, who was lying motionless on the grass. I kneeled down and touched her cheek with my finger. She looked like she was having a peaceful sleep and I was hoping at any second she would wake up with that beautiful smile on her face. But she did not move. Then I heard Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle and Rosalie run towards Bella.

"Alice what is wrong with her, will she be okay?" I asked my sister still not looking away from my beautiful angel. I knew Alice would have probably seen Bella fall in her vision and only she would know the outcome of her future.

"Yes Edward, she will be fine, I saw her fall and then wake up. It was just a quick, vision though." Alice said calmly and smoothly.

"Why didn't you warn me or tell me you had a vision? I demanded, my worry for Bella overwhelming my mind.

"Well when did you like me to tell you? When we were talking to the mutts or when you were trying to kill Jacob?" Alice answered sarcastically.

I finally looked at Alice. She was right. Things had been pretty hectic recently. I smiled at Alice, showing her that she was right.

"Alice that is enough and Edward, Alice is right Bella is going to be just fine." Carlisle said who was now kneeling beside Bella, checking her pulse and analyzing her body.

"She just fainted, probably due to emotional exhaustion. Her body finally shut down on her, which is pretty understanding considering the past couple days have been very stressful for Bella. For now we should make her comfortable in your room, Edward and wait for her to wake up. I will routinely check on her every hour just to make sure, everything is fine." Carlisle explained.

Even though I could hear Carlisle, I was not listening. Bella fainted because of what happened during these last few days. Bella was lying on the grass because Jacob had hit her. Bella lay motionless because I could not protect her from that awful mutt. This was my entire fault. I had let my Bella down again, when I promised her I would not.

"This is my entire fault. I should have protected her from Jacob." I admitted clenching my fists to my sides as the anger started to brew inside my stomach.

"Edward do not say that, this was out of your control, Bella knows you would do everything to protect her." Jasper said as he looked at me, trying to control my emotions.

"Yes listen to Jasper Edward, there was nothing you could do but Bella saw you trying to protect her from Jacob so she knows you love her." Alice said smiling at me.

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