All I Wanted Was You Chapter 5: Tug Of War

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Bella's POV.

I was lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling; the events of today ran though my head keeping me wide awake. There were so many things to think of. I sighed. There were two things I could not believe. The first one was that Jacob had kissed me and I liked it. The second was that Edward had seen Jacob and me kissing. I loved kissing Jacob; his lips were soft and sweet unlike Edward's cold lips. His kiss tasted like tea sending warm feelings throughout my entire body. However when Jacob left and I saw Edward staring at me from the tree branch, my body lost that warm feeling. My body went cold as I saw his painful eyes. I realized I felt bad for kissing Jacob and I felt sorry Edward had seen us together. But as soon as I started feeling bad for my actions, I realized why should I? Edward left me and broke my heart. I had every right to be mad at him and to kiss another guy. I was allowed to kiss Jake, Edward did not control my life. I became angry as I began to wonder why Edward was up in the tree in the first place. Was he spying on me? How dare he spy on me, he had no right! No right at all! Why couldn't he get it out of his head that I did not want to see him or be with him? I sighed as I turned over in my bed so I was facing my large window. I loved that window because it had so many memories especially of Edward. Edward always came through my window so he could check on me and make sure I was okay. Last year he came into my room every night so that we could talk and get to know each other. It felt good to have someone to rely on and know that someone would always come check on me late at night. As I stared at the window, I began to imagine what would have happened if things were the way they were a year ago. Edward would jump into my room and hold me tight throughout the night. He would keep me safe from harm's way. We would talk and then I would stay in his arms as I drifted off into sleep. But he was not my protector any more; he had lost that role when he left me. I could not trust him anymore. I was afraid he would leave again and I could not be with someone who could just leave me. I had Jake now and I knew he would never hurt me. But as I finally drifted off into sleep that night, it wasn't Jake's face I dreamed of, it was Edward's

"Ring, Ring." The annoying sound of my alarm clock echoed throughout my room as the horrendous sound woke me up. I sighed, I did not want to get out of bed. All the feelings and emotions I had for Jacob and Edward was really taking a toll on me. It was as if my life was unbalanced and complicated because I kept going back and forth in regards to how I felt about Edward and Jake. I sat up in bed as I rubbed my head. Then I glanced at my window. Yes looking at my glass window allowed me to remember happy memories of Edward and I, but that was a year ago, and today was different. I had to move on and the only way to do that was to ignore the feelings I still had for Edward. They had to go away eventually. So the only thing I could do now was focus on Jake. I got out of bed and got dressed. I didn't really feel like going to school but I did feel like going back down to La Push. I smiled as I thought of La Push and Jake. I got into my truck and drove off to La Push.

This time when I parked and got out of my truck, Jake did not come running into my arms. So I walked to his house and knocked on his red door. There was silence. So I tried turning the brown handle and it opened. Geeze Jake just because you're a wolf doesn't mean you can't lock your door, I thought to myself. I walked into his house and walked straight into Jake's room. I laughed as I saw him sprawled on his stomach across his bed with his comforter half on his bed and half on the floor.

"Jake!" I yelled but there was no movement on the bed.

"JAKE!" I yelled again even louder but still there was no movement. Okay this meant business I thought.

"JAKE!" I yelled as I jumped on top of his back, which finally created some movement from the sleeping beast.

"What, what the hell?" Jake asked as he sat up straight, rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing here Bella?" He asked.

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