All I Wanted Was You Chapter 3: Let Me Go

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As soon as Mike and I entered the large doors of Forks High school, I shrugged his arm off my shoulder. Although I hated to admit, I loved seeing Edward jealous, I did not want the whole school to think I was now dating Mike Newton. He gave me a hurtful look and I felt a bit bad, however he still walked me to my first class which was Math. I was a little glad Mike walked me to class because since Edward had convinced the Academic Advisor to change his schedule to match mine, we had every class together and I didn't know how to face him alone.

When I entered the classroom I saw Eric, Angela and Jessica. Both Eric and Angela warmly greeted me; however Jessica stared at me as though her eyes were sharp daggers trying to kill me. It was obvious she liked Mike. I could tell that about her the first day I met her. She always looked at Mike as though he was the most beautiful man in the world and she would get jealous of anyone who talked with Mike especially me.

"Hey Bella." Jessica said sarcastically. "Sorry about Edward, you will find someone else." She said with poison in her voice. Then she turned to Mike. "Here Mike sit down beside me." She said patting the seat beside her as she smiled trying to get Mike's attention.

Eric and Angela gave me an apologetic look and Mike who didn't want to see the wrath of Jessica, smiled softly at me and sat down beside her. I smiled at everyone, knowing it was my time to leave and started to make my way to the back of the classroom where two empty desks sat. I nervously sat down at one desk and glanced to my right. That was Edward's seat. I wasn't sure how I would react if Edward sat down beside me. I tried to occupy my thoughts by watching the hands on the clock tick as every minute past, but it was no use, my mind was constantly thinking of Edward. Finally the teacher said class was over and I looked at the empty seat beside me. Edward had not shown up. On one hand I was glad Edward did not show up to class because, I knew it would have been too painful but on the other hand I wondered and cared about where he was. Maybe he was trying to avoid me and that bugged me. I was the one trying to avoid him. Thankfully Angela, Eric, Mike and Jessica who were all in my next class, waited for me and walked with me to our English class.

"How are you doing Bella?" Angela asked as she walked beside me. I smiled at her. Angela was always so nice and showed me a lot of kindness.

"I'm okay thanks for asking Angela." I said.

"Well if you need anything, or want to talk I'm here." Angela said smiling. I smiled back. I loved how she always tried to understand things from my perspective.

However my smile faded as soon as I entered English class. There sitting in our assigned seats was Edward. He had a book opened on the desk, but I knew he was only pretending to read the book in front of him. Instead I knew he was probably trying to hear about what people were saying about me. Everyone in the classroom looked at me. It was my assigned seat, I had to go, if I made a big deal about it, it would show everyone that I was weak and could not live without Edward. So I held my breath, walked slowly down the aisle and sat down beside Edward. His amazing aroma made my heart wish to hug him and kiss his smooth chiseled neck. I took my books out in order to distract myself from the wild thoughts occurring in my mind. I did not want to think about Edward in that way but I knew my heart lusted for his sweet embrace. We were both still as statues pretending to focus on the teacher however I knew we were both thinking of each other. Finally after half the class was over, Edward's beautiful voice broke the ice.

"So may I ask what is going on between you and Mike?" Edward asked as he looked at me questionably, running his hand through his beautiful locks. First I became distracted by his hair, and then I became mad. Why was it any of his business?

"That is none of your business Edward!" I said glaring at him.

"Well just be careful." He advised. That is when I became angry.

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