I already had my Beretta M9 on me but I got an M16 rifle and a shotgun for her to try out. I knew this was a bit heavy for her but I wanted her to get the feeling of holding one so when she was older she would understand the value of it. We went back outside and I told her that she wasn't going to be firing so there wasn't going to be any ammo. She looks at me and understood. I took out my weapon from my thigh and empty it. I showed her how to hold it and to aim. But before she did, I set up some glass bottle for her to aim at. When she was ready and older I would let her shoot at them. After showing her how to use it I show how to use the M16 and it was a bit too big for her. But she soon got the hang of it. Then after that, it was getting dark but I still show her how to use the shotgun. I told her that I was going to show her how to clean the weapon and take them apart. Soon it was dinner time and some of the guys were back from their trips to the airdrop sets. After eating and talking to some of the people that came back to question them on what they got and if they saw anyone. They answer me and told what it was food and medical supplies and that they haven't seen anyone except the dead. After dismissing them I took a tried Tabi and put her to bed. I had things to take care of and I needed to talk to Sally and Claire about it. So I call for them to meet me in the office.

"Alright, I call you here today because we need to train everyone so they know how to protect themselves. And when I say, everyone, I mean everyone that is here, look I know what you're thinking but if they have a fighting chance they will live longer even if it's hell out there, outside these walls," I said and look at Claire and Sally. "I understand," said Claire but Sally didn't answer me. "I get it but why would they train if they can say here their whole life?'" she questions me. "One day these walls will fall and I don't want anyone within them to fall with it, soon kids are going to want to go outside and see it for themselves, they are going to get older and want to help out and do something, just like Tabi. she is a fast learning and wants to help out but she isn't old enough yet," I said. I look at them both and waited for an answer. "I think it's a good idea and I will train and help those who already know how to fight but I will also help those who want to learn," said Claire. Then I look over to Sally and waited for an answer. " I agree so I will help them as much as I can," she told me. I smile at them and told them what will happen tomorrow but for tonight was to rest. After those two left, I was writing some more plans down when I finally finished and went to my room. I saw Riley and Tabi asleep. Tabi was wrapped in Riley's arms holding her close. I smile at them and change out of today's clothes and went to lay beside them. I kiss both of them on the forehead and Jade came walking into cuddle up beside me. I thought about the next time I would take jade out with me when I went outside these walls. She had been in here all day but has free roamed of the place. Soon I fell asleep pull me under and I close my eyes and dreamt of my family and the friend I made here. I mean I still dreamt of Allen and blue eyes but I was with peace. I accept what I did and let it be.

I wake up before my alarm and got ready for the day. But before I could even get up Hallie and Sarah came running into our room yelling. I got up and yell at them to speak one at a time and not to yell. It was too early for that and I wanted to get ready and eat before I start my day. Then Hallie speak up and said " There is an air force plane flying overhead and dropping supplies but then someone well from what I can tell drop out of it too!" she said in a rush. I stood there looking at her in shock. Was the government finally sending some help or at least a way for us to reach the outside work? I quickly got ready and said bye to my girls and saw Claire rushing out of her room as well. We follow Hallie and Sarah outside and they pointed the way in which the soldier landed. Claire and I rushed back inside to grab our grab and a fruit bar and ran back outside to the girls opening the gate for us. We ran past them and follow the way they point. It was somewhere off towards central park o it wasn't that far from us. Claire and I ran until we saw a guy in an army uniform pointing his weapon at us. "Whoa, there dude relax we saw you and thought you could help us," I said to him. I couldn't read his name tag. He lowers his weapon and asks " are you sick?" and we both shook our heads no. she sighs with relief and packs up his stuff. They were three cases with him and I radio for Jimmy to Zac to meet us to help carry to supplies back.

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