chapter 6

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The alarm on my watch goes off at six a.m. Jade jump off my lap and wondering out of our room. I stretch and started to make our morning food. Something simple and light for me and canned dog food for Jade with some water. I don't know what was in store for today but I thought I would just spend it with the brothers and the three people I sent their way. After eating and cleaning up, I went to change into some black jeans and my leather jacket and called Jade to strap her to my back to make our way outside. It got a bit easier coming and going with Jade on my back but it was still hard. After climbing safely down and releasing Jade we walked up the block towards the school. I radio the boys to let me in and a few minutes later the doors open and I saw Jimmy with a warm smile on his face. I walked inside and follow Jimmy to what looks like there base of operations. It look like a the principals offices. It had the map of Manhattan I gave to them and some of the supplies I help them get and drawings of a wall and watch tower. I walked up the map and added some more circles and some Xs where I knew we could get some more supplies that. they had a questioning look on their faces and I told them I went out alone.

They hated that went I out alone but I enjoy my own company. I mean the boys were great but I like being alone. After telling the boys I was fine being alone they still offer me a room there no matter what. I thanked them and told them I was good. I didn't want to tell them where I was staying at because of all the room I had. I mean it was a big place but I like the quietness of the museum. It helped me stay calm and clear minded. I also wanted the place all to myself but now I have a four legged friend that I don't mind sharing with. I'll tell the boys later or not depends if I died. Anyway the boys were talking about going back to the lumber depot but taking the new guy Victor to show him the ropes on how to survive. I think that is a good idea but I won't go with them. I will stay behind and get to know the mother and son to see how they are doing.

As the boys prepare to leave I told them not to take on no more than three growlers and if they see tickers don't fight them. They ask me why and I told them that tickers are a lot harder to kill because they were faster then growlers. They were different then the other type, for one they can hear and there skull were thicker. They were looking at me as if they couldn't take care of themselves. I glare at them until they agree to what I said, even if I only glare at them for a minute. I can be scary when I want to be and I needed to be with them because they need to listen to what I say. I studied one of these things and I wasn't about to lose them. Even if I like being alone these boys were alright. I told them to be careful and I told Victor to listen to everything that they said because I taught them and he nodded a yes to me. He was quiet but I didn't know him that well to judge him. They got there things and told me how to block the door before they left.

Soon I was alone with Jade making my way to the mother and son that were in the library. Sally and her son Johnny had some paper and pencils drawing while his mother was reading a book. I made myself known. "Hello," was all I said to see if they remember who I was. "Hi! You're the young girl who sent us here," the mother said with joy. I nodded my head walking inside the room. I sat down next to Johnny to see how he would react. He looked up from what I was doing and gave me a big smile. I smile back at him and took some paper and began to draw. I drew batman and he was watching me. I couldn't tell you how happy he was when I gave him the drawing. "Thank you miss," he said and look at the picture. I smiled as I made my way to where his mother was sitting next to the window I wanted to ask her where she was from and what happened to her and her son before I found them. So I started to ask her questions."Where were you when all this started?" I aks.

"We were on our way home from Johnny's doctor appointment then were going to have a mother,son day when all this happen. We were near Hunter college and my first thought was to hide. So we hind for days until you find us," she said. I look at her and thought about what I did that day. I was trying to save somebody while she was trying to save her son. I look up to see her looking outside the window. I wonder what she was thinking about. So I ask her. "I am just thinking if his mother is alright, my wife, I wonder if she is looking for us or is one of there things you and the brothers call growlers." I ask her if she has a picture of her wife. She look at me weirdly, I wanted to know her face and maybe try and find her for them. To hopeful give this mother,this wife some closure. For her son as well. Maybe that's why he was so quiet. She show me the picture and I studied it, commenting it to memory. I don't know why but I was going to try and help them out. Maybe it was because of what is going on right now or I knew that my own family didn't care beside two people.

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