chapter 3

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Ten minutes later I was in front of a models and I was extremely happy. They had all types of clothes there and anything that can be used as a weapon. I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me so I calm down and stay hidden. I made sure not one of these things was around and check every time I more to make sure I was alone. As I got closer to the stop I stop dead in my track. I hear teeth clicking. I quickly hid behind a car and look out to my surroundings. Then I saw one. I thank the universe that it was only one. I observed it, taking out my notebook to write down what its movements were and to see if it was truly blind. So, I did something that could possibility get me killed. I took a rock and throw it as a car window shattering it. It heard it and started running towards that car. It didn't see me throw the rock but it heard the window break. I take note of that and made my way around it.

I was now inside the store and grab some clothes and an extra bag. A Nike gym bag would be great from getting more clothes and shoes. I grade cargo pants and long and short sleeves shirts. Some boxers and more sport bras and some heavy and light sweaters and some hats and a pair of gloves. After packing up the clothes I made my way to the second floor and stop again. I heard growling this time. This thing was slightly different from the one outside. It looks as if it was blind but couldn't hear as well. And yet again I did something dumb that could have killed me. I saw a small ball that was to my right and throw it at the thing. It reacted but it did not attach anything. So, I throw another one and hit something. It took notice of it and then attacks it but it was slower.

The different between this one and the one outside was that it had super poor eyesight and hearing. But it was still one of those things. I made way around it and took a pair of running shoes and a pair of black converses with socks. Right next to the shelf where the baseball bats and other sports equipment were. I took a wooden bat since it was heavier than a metal one. I took two bats so when one break I have another. I was looking around when I hit the wall with my bat. I silently cursed and the thing heard it. It came charging my way and I thought to myself if I should run or fight it. I decide to fight to learn about it. I quickly drop my stuff and took out the bat and when it was close I took a swing at it. I hit it in the gut and it struggled back. And I swing again this time hitting it in the head, I swing again and hit it harder this time and it fell to the ground motionless.

I couldn't believe I fought one and won! I put on some baseball gloves and start poking the thing. It was kind of a human still but its flesh was decaying and its eyes and ears are leaking this reddish black blood sludge. I took out my notebook again and started taking notes on it and examine what I could of it.

After twenty minutes of studying this thing I took the gloves off and get a new pair and got some more things to pack up. I made my way out of the story with my gear and look up to the sky and notice that the sun was super low in the sky. I check the time and it read five. It was going to be dark soon and cold. I quickly made my way back to my new home while hiding in the showdowns. I had a hard time climbing back up the rope but I knew I had to do it. Ten minutes later and I was back inside where it was safe. I close and lock the window and drop to the floor in exhaustion. I was beat but I knew I did well today. I drank a whole bottle of water and had three bars. I Knew I shouldn't eat that much but I was out all day.

I change out of my clothes and took out my map and notebook. I wanted to go over everything but I couldn't keep my eyes open. Sleep was calling my name and I went to the big chair, curl up into a ball and let sleep take me. This time I dream of what I learn and how this can help people. All I needed now was a way to contact people and let them know what I found out. But that would be for another day and for now I just wanted sleep. So, I let sleep take me away as my body relax.

I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off. I got up out of the chair and looked outside again. Even if these things are running around and people are fighting to live it was a peaceful sight before me. I just stand there looking outside thinking to myself. Thinking how long I can hold this place and call it my own with no one finding it or finding me. I needed to think of some more way to keep this place safe from those things and from people who wanted to get it. I know that maybe selfish of me but I was better at being alone than with anyone else. Maybe if I paint some windows black and added planks of wood to the outside it would help more and think of a better way of in getting out of here when I need to make runs or if some how people can last long to set up trading post. I also need to find a way to talk to other people without getting all in the space.

That was todays task but also moving all the hidden supplies from the historical society here as well. I had now two bags so it would be a bit easier moving things and besides it was just across the street. I almost forget that there is a school as well. If I can get in there I can raid the nurse office and the kitchen as well. After writing down and checking off what was done and needed to be done, I started day three of my new life. I got dress in a new shirt but the same jeans I had on for the last two days. I didn't care I would wear them for a week then wash them somehow. I took out my map and found some tape to tape it to the wall. I found a black marker and a ruler. I draw four didn't zones and in those zones, I made sub zones. I mark my home right between zone A and zone C and circle when the places got my supplies and other things off the map. So, when I know that the place was still full and when they were not I would put an X through it.

After marking the places, I went to I made note of where the closest home depot was and other home improvement stores and other place where food would be at. I couldn't just live off was fruit and granola bars I needed some can food and other shelf life foods. I also thought I should find medical supplies but I knew hospitals and other places would be full of those things and other people. So, I have to hold off on that for now. I also need to keep a small amount of power on. I need to find some solar panels or a gas generator. It was now eight A.M and I turn my phone on. I had dozens of messages and missed calls from a lot of people. They wanted to know if I'm ok and if I made it out. I sent out some messages saying I'm ok and I found a place to stay safe and that I was okay. I didn't really see any messages from my family. That didn't surprise me but I did get some from my uncle and aunt who care for me more than anyone. I decided to called them and let them know I was ok. My aunt pink up on the first ring and I told her I was safe but trap in the city and she started crying. I told her I would call again in a few days if I could. The next call I made was to my uncle. Now he was a marine and he cried his eyes out when he heard my voice. I was happy that they were okay and they were both happy that I was safe as well. Then I turn off my phone again but before I did I just had to listen to Fire by PVRIS.

Turning of my phone after the song was over help calm me a bit. I took out my tablet to look at the notes I wrote down about the two things I encounter outside of Modell's a few days ago, it was fascinating. I mean here we have something that is the same that was created by the same type of virus yet it shows up in two different forms. I find that amazing but also very scaring. That can lead up to mutations in the cell or whatever it was and create some more problems for something that is only a few days old. After thinking about if some more and writing down my hypothesis I close my notebook and left for the window. I open it just enough to slip through and climb down the makeshift rope. I made my way towards the school. The school looks well-built and nice looking. Well I was on the upper west side. On it, it read the Anderson School. I looked around to make sure I was alone. I have my Nike gym bag and my bat which I named Max. She was a light brown bat with a black leather grip and she was the bat I pick up first and kill my first living non-living thing. I wanted to name them but I wasn't going to call them walker for zombie.

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