chapter 2

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I woke up to my watch alarm going off. It was six in the morning and the sun wasn't out yet. I cursed but got up anyway. I put my shoes on and wander around the office trying to see who it belonged to. Then I stop and a smile took over my face. I was in Margaret Mead's office! I loved her and her work! She was an amazing anthropologist and at the time she was the only female in that field. Which help greatly because in someplace women were only allowed to talk to other women. I wanted to explore her office more but my stomach makes a noise in protest. I was hungry and luckily for me, I know where all the museum cafes were. I had a light breakfast and started to collect all the water bottles and brought them to my now office bedroom. A few hours later I had almost half of the bottles of water in my room and some juice and soda as well. I also went through the gift shops as well and took the water as well and some shirts and sweatpants they had.

I also gather batteries and a flashlight for when the power will go out. It was now two in the afternoon and time for a late light lunch. I was conditioning my body for when the food would run out. I was looking out the window again and I saw some people running and looting. That made me worry about my barricades and if they would hold up. So, I quickly got up and check all the entrances. None of them were messed with and it looks like no one was trying to come in. I was happy about that.

I made my way back up to my room and decided to turn my phone back on. I was a dozen text messages from my mother and friends. I ignore the text from my mother and reply to the ones my friends sent. Some were asking if I was ok and home and others ask if I was in the city. I reply to all of them say that I was in fact in the city and that I was okay and that I find someplace to hide. They were all worried about me but I told them I knew what I was doing. Like they would listen to me. Some wanted to come and get me but I yell at them for thinking of doing something so stupid. I told them I would figure out a way to get out of the city if it wasn't placed in quarantine by now. I know I should talk to my mother but I hated her. I hated the way my family treated me but they were still family. So, I sent her a text saying that I was ok and not coming back home. I turned off my phone not wanted a message from her.

The sun was setting now. It will now be known as day one of the end of my life. On January 11th, 2015 I, will now be fighting to live another day with hundreds and thousands of other people. I had a light dinner of just a granola bar and half a bottle of water. I know I have a lot for one person but supplies can run out just as fast if you don't ration it. Before I went to sleep I started writing down a plan for what I was going to do tomorrow. The first part was to find a map of the city and find all the locations around me that held food, clothes, and weapons. The second part was to build better barricades around the museum to make it look like it was trash and empty of supplies. If anyone thought, it would hold any they would think better of it.

The third part was the see if anyone knew what was going on and to find a way to keep in contact with people when the power would finally die. And to keep away for my iPod to stay alive during this, because if it didn't I would go mad without my music. After writing down my plan I went to my chair and began to doze off into the darkness that was sleep.

I woke up the same way I did yesterday, to an annoying beeping of my watch. I got up and stretched out my body. I took old my two-day-old shirt and put on one of the long sleeve shirts I got from the gift shop and a sweater and a hat and my knife and book bag with a bottle of water and some fruit bars. I was still dark out but the sun was slowly coming up. I didn't want to take apart one of the barricades so I made a rope with the leftover dividers and open the window and began to climb down it. Let me tell you I am a clumsy person and almost fell a few times but I made it down safely. I made my way to the historical society building with was right across the street. I check to see if the doors were lock but they weren't. I made my way into the building and started to look for the maps. I needed a map of the island that is Manhattan. I mean I knew where things were and how to get there but I also want to mark it up. Like, create different zones and whatnot. After about ten minutes I finally find a good map of the city and its huge map.

I continue to look around the building taking note that no one thought to look here for any type of supplies. This was amazing, not only were the more water but also more food and some clothes as well. I wanted to clear out the place but I knew that would take all day and I had other things to do. So, I made sure I hid everything and made my way out to look for a weapon and some more clothes. I need jeans and underwear and some more bras. They weren't many clothing stores near me so I should head south of the museum but not too far south. I didn't want people or those things to see me. So, I use the shadows to work my way to anything that was nearby. After forty minutes of slowly walking and hiding, I finally found a store.

However, it wasn't what I was looking for. It was Victoria's Secret store. Damn it I hated that place but they had underwear and bras and I needed some. So, I went into the store and checking it to see if it was clear which it was. Dropping my bag on the floor I made my way to the bras looking for my size, I was a 34C so I just took out those and look through them so I would have some in different colors, and I also from some sports bras. Then I went to underwear and cringe. I don't like girlie things but I had to make it work and find my size. They had some boy shorts as well so I took some of those too. Soon I was filling my back with what I found and headed to find an H&M or another store that had clothes then another weapon.

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