You give him a faint nod.

Seokjin brushes off the dirt on his pants and offers a hand. You decline and stand up on your own, brushing off dirt from your tights. He gazes up at the snow-filled sky, at the mid-afternoon sun slowly disappearing behind the clouds. He takes your hand, leading you to the bench. He takes a deep breath, visible in this frigid weather. 

Silent, you stand and watch Seokjin glancing blankly at the sky.

He grabs a small, black box from his pocket, and gaze at you intently. "(Y/N), we've seen our worsts before, and we're still together." He smiles. "We've been each other's savior, we've been through everything. We care for each other, always thinking about each other, always worrying when the other's away. I want to change that." Seokjin kneels. "I want you to be with me forever. I want to take care of you, I want to cook with you, I want to eat with you. And most of all, I want to live the rest of my stressful life with someone who makes all of that go away with a small, sincere smile."

Happy, grateful tears flow down your cheeks, barely hanging from your chin. You still stand, not willing to move a joint. 

"(Y/N), I mean it when I say this, will you please please, marry me?"

Everything goes inaudible. Everything blurs into one huge blob. But you know your answer, and it's none other than, "yes."

Your knees are fighting to stay stable, but are threatening to buckle. You try to wipe away the overflowing tears as Seokjin gently brings your left hand towards him. He slips a pretty damn expensive rock on your ring finger, but you didn't bother to look. Seokjin gets on his feet and places his hand on your wet cheeks, pulling you into a passionate kiss that seems to last forever under the snowy day.

~Time Skip~

Seokjin drives the both of you, hand in hand, back to his hotel. Unexpectedly, (F/N) was there with BTS in the lobby. Their faces light up at the rings' presence on each of your fingers. 

"Hyung and noona are getting married!" 

"Seokjin actually got a girl!"

Before anything else can be said, their manager enters the scene with a puzzled expression. When he saw your rings, he became mad. Everyone falls silent when he asks Seokjin to come and talk. Everyone in the lobby exchange glances and stares at the door, waiting for news.


The eldest of BTS and their manager steps out from behind the door with surprisingly joyous faces. Everyone's hope begins to grow as Seokjin clears his throat. "Managar-nim is accepting of the proposal. But we need to keep it a secret fro mine and my new wife's sake."

'Wife.. I'm his wife.'

"And," Manager-him adds, "since BTS will be leaving in a few months, we'll be having a small ceremony in their honor."

Claps and whistles are heard from BTS's staff and BTS themselves. 

Seokjin walks up to you, looking into your eyes. "We're having a wedding," he says. He holds your hands and plants a small kiss, "my wife."

You glance at (F/N) sitting in the corner, smiling at you and Seokjin.

"Thank you, for walking into my life."

~Time Skip~

For the past three weeks, you and your fiance have been preparing for a subtle ceremony, being extremely cautious. Though rather than a wedding, you two went with a party. You and Seokjin both wanted to cook and bake for those at the party. BTS decided to play there as well. (F/N), along with some staff members, volunteered to take photos. The manager has asked in favor for buying your rings. Seokjin, comically, oredered him to have them be exact. Manager-nim also offered to hire a marriage officiant. Both you and Seokjin thank him a million times over for helping out.

Then, BTS and (F/N) separated you and Seokjin for shopping. 

On the trip, you of course named (F/N) your maid of honor. She happily accepted the title as she dragged you around different shops for a white dress and veil. You also helped with finding (F/N)'s dress, a lavender one to be exact.

(F/N) ran excitedly towards you with a gorgeous yet simple strapless dress with flowered top and a short lacy, ruffled skirt along with a traditional styled veil.

In turn, you introduced to her your pick, a lavender, short dress with lace straps, a light purple ribbon around the waist, and soft material skirt along with a paired lavender flower crown. Without any speaking, you and (F/N) both purchase the dresses.

The small wedding is almost here.

(A/N): It finally happened! How does everyone feel about this?

And I have school starting this Monday. *shoots self*. Yay less time to work on wattpad. I will do whatever I can to give these poor quality stories to you guys. Let's hope I will improve by then.

Until next week, Jill out!

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