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"Move out of the way, Taehyung-ah!" Namjoon demanded as he pushed Taehyung forcefully out of the way.

Taehyung landed on the floor, his fists clenched. He looked as if he was about to cry.

Yoongi elbowed Seokjin who was trying to hold him back, in the stomach and lashed out on Namjoon.

Namjoon yelled at Hoseok to let go, as he pulled out from his grip.

"You little piece of shit!" Yoongi cursed as he punched Namjoon in the stomach.

"How dare you fucking touch (Y/N) knowing that we also love her?! 'Leader' my ass!" Yoongi threw another punch at Namjoon's face.

You looked in horror and disbelief, not able to do anything, not even make a sound. You felt useless.

Namjoon smirked, and looked at Yoongi dead in the eye. "You think I'm fucking scared of you Yoongi?" Namjoon kneed Yoongi in the crotch area and he fell back.

Namjoon stood up from the floor and looked at Yoongi. "I don't give a shit about what you think. Because I know... I know (Y/N) will be mine."

Before Namjoon could beat up Yoongi again, Jungkook ran into the scene, holding back Namjoon. "HYUNG STOP IT!!" The maknae pleaded. Namjoon looked back at the horrified face of Jungkook, and his eyes widened. "Jungkookie.." He said.

"Motherfucker!" Yoongi yelled as he kicked Namjoon's leg. Namjoon immediately fell down, feeling a painful shock in his leg.

You couldn't bear to see them fighting anymore. Hearing (F/N) crying, Jimin weeping with her. And them fighting because of you. You clenched your fists and bit your lip. 'This will end.' You thought.

"You bitch!" Namjoon cursed, the shoved Jungkook out from his grip.

Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's shirt collar as Yoongi winced in pain. Before he could throw a punch, you ran in between them, (F/N) yelling at you to stop, but got hit yourself as you fell back, you head hitting the edge of the coffee table. You finally felt the pain Yoongi felt, and wondered how was he able to endure it and stay alive. Yes, the punch was impactful.

He then stopped. He turned around and saw many horrified faces. He saw you on the floor, with pain all over your face and tears streaming down from it.

Namjoon dropped Yoongi and hurried to your side. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) I'm so sorry! (Y/N) please!"

Seokjin and the others, besides Yoongi, ran up to you and pushed Namjoon out of the way.

Everyone was frightened, worried. Seokjin looked at Namjoon, with a simple death glare. "We'll never fucking forgive you for this."

Before you fully lose consciousness, you heard (F/N) weeping.

~Time Skip~

You fluttered your eyes open, and right away, you felt a sharp pain on your face and on the back of your head. Then you felt an agonizing headache. You sat up, and pressed your hands against your forehead, trying to stop the headache as you groaned.

You realized you were on your bed in your room, the comfortable sheets and blankets, pillows with the shape of your head carved into it, your cute stuffed animals at your bedside counter, and a illuminating lamp providing the only light in the room.

'Is it night?' You thought.

You shifted in the bed, feeling different kinds of aches all over your body. You slowly moved out of bed, right foot out, then the left foot. You walked on the cold, wooden floor towards the white door. You slowly opened the door and walked into the corridor. Before walking out into the dark opening, you heard angry voices. You hid around the corner and eavesdropped.

"-believe he'd do that." You heard someone say. 'Jimin?' You thought.

"They didn't have to go that far... The hyungs." Another said. 'Jungkook?'

"Namjoon didn't have to fucking hit her." Jimin said angrily.

"He shouldn't have... Jimin-hyung... I want to go home."

Your eyes widened when you heard Jungkook.

"Me too. But let's just get some sleep."

"Goodnight hyung."

You heard bodies shifting, and deep sighs. They fell asleep.

Your legs felt weak and you had to lean against the wall for support. 'They can't leave. They couldn't leave.' You thought.

You walked back to your room, silent, and scared.

You laid back in bed, forgetting the pills and water. You shifted in bed, not being able to sleep. You felt like crying, and tried to fight the tears, but tears fell. You whimpered, cried, not being able to believe what had happened that night. The whole fight, BTS wanting to go back to South Korea.

"(Y/N) are you up?" You heard (F/N) open the door and heard a few footsteps coming towards you. You hid your face in the blankets and pretended to sleep, not wanting to worry her.

"(Y/N)?" She asked again. You heard her footsteps carrying her to the other side of the bed. She bent down, trying to get a look on your face, but it seemed you were asleep. You heard a sigh. "We'll talk tomorrow, (Y/N). Goodnight."

(A/N): Happy Friday everyone! And no school on Monday for me! Whoo! Hope you guys liked this chapter. Pretty intense if you ask me. Wonder what'll happen to Namjoon.

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Please vote and comment ^_^ Until next week, Jill out!

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