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(A/N): Can I just say THANK YOU for 3K reads and 160 votes! I want to thank you guys for all of this an supporting this fanfic! And also for commenting and just everything! Thank you! ARMYs fighting!
You arrived at your old house, hoping to see your father. You thanked the taxi driver and paid.

'I'm home.' You thought while smiling. You grabbed your luggage and walked to your doorstep. You took a deep breathe and sighed. 'I can do this..' You thought. Then you rang the doorbell.

You waited while clutching to your luggage and purse as you bit your lip. Then you heard a click. You begin to form a smile.


"DADDY!" You yelled and ran to hug him. But..

"Um excuse me.. Please get off.."

You looked up and noticed that it wasn't your dad. It was the housekeeper.

"Eheheh I'm sorry. Really sorry." You said bowing, up and down, up and down, up and down.

"It's alright." She said. "Now you're looking for your father?"

"Yes ma'm." You said.

"Well he's at the hospital with your mother."

"Oh.. Well what hospital are they at?" You asked.

"Umm if I remember correctly, they are at Downtown Health Hospital (Yeah yeah I know. Don't judge the name.)."

"Oh thank you!" You said bowing. "Oh I'm sorry. Force of habit."

"No no. I actually quite enjoy it. How come our country doesn't do that?" She said smiling.

"Oh and before I forget, can you please put my luggage in my old room please?"

"Yes it would be my pleasure." She bowed and smiled.

You laughed and waved goodbye while saying thank you.

You found your car in the driveway and drove to the hospital.
You were in the parking lot of the hospital, looking for a parking space.

"Finally!" You said.
You went to the counter and talked to the woman behind it.

"Excuse me. Can I visit Mrs. (L/N)." You said in your kindest voice.

"Um what's your relationship with Mrs. (L/N)?"

"I'm her daughter, (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Alright. She's in room 320B on the third floor."

"Thank you." You said and went to the elevator.
You walked around when you finally found the room number. Before you opened the door, you heard crying.

"I don't know if I can do this!"

"It'll be alright. Just think about (Y/N). Keep her happy too."

"I'm trying! It just hurts so much!"

"It'll be alright.. I'll stay here with you."

You felt tears, and blinked them away. 'Right! I have to stay strong as well! For mom's sake!' You thought. You knocked on the door.

Your dad wiped your mom's tears and have her some tissues. "Come in!"

You took in another breath and went in.

"Annyeong~!" You said.

Both of your parents were surprised to see you here. Your dad formed a smile and ran to hug you.

"Oh (Y/N) I missed you." He ruffled your hair and planted kisses on your forehead. "Why are you here?"

"Um well. I guess I just miss my parents.." You said sounding unsure. You didn't want to say the truth actually.

"Well I'm happy you're back! But what about (F/N)?"

"She's fine. She has other friends." You said giving your dad a forced laugh.

Then you brought your attention to your mom. Pity and sorrow clouded your eyes.

Your dad noticed and said, "I'll leave for a bit. Glad you're back home."

He left the room and shut the door.

You awkwardly walked to the bed, your heels making tap noises. You sat in the chair by the bed, hanging your head. Then you heard a sigh.

"I missed you sweetie. But why are you here?" Your mom's voice said.

"I was worried..." You said.

"I told you that you didn't have to worry about me. I said I was fin-"

"No you're not!" You snapped.

Your mother was taken back at the sudden reaction. Then she hung her head.

"I heard your's and dad's conversation before coming in.." You said.

Your mom looked at you and began to cry. "I'm sorry.."

You looked at your mom, as tears begin to form. "I'm sorry too."

Your mom's hand was shaking, her lips quivering, and tears falling down her cheeks.

You grabbed her hand and clutched onto it. Then your mother broke.

"I'm scared! I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of this. I just miss you and our old life. I don't want you to leave again!" She said crying.

You looked at your mom as tears fell. You cried onto her hand. "I'm sorry, Mom.. I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed with you... And I'm scared too, but please don't stop fighting. Do this for me and Dad. Do this for you too. And I'll promise I'll stay with you. You won't have to go through this alone." You clutched onto her hand tighter.

"Honey.. I love you. Please don't ever change. And thank you." Your mother smiled and still cried. It seems hearing that you say that you'll stay by her side gave her relief.

You smiled at her, tears dried. You kissed her hand, an looked at her with sincere eyes and whispered, "Mom, fighting."

(A/N): This is one sad chapter. And I have to admit, I cried a bit writing the last part. I mean just thinking that it was my mom in that situation. Of course I'd be scared. Anyway thanks for reading and wait for the next update next week. Jill, out!

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