Double Trouble

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Once Seokjin dropped you off at your apartment complex, you apologize for the sudden end on your date while thanking him for the ride home. The understanding gentleman nods and gives you a firm hug before returning to his place in the driver's seat and heads back to his hotel with the other members.

Without staying to watch his departure, you dig into your black purse for your room key, running in your boots to heartbroken (F/N).

When you entered your home, a pair of black flipflops were thrown to the side of the entrance-way along with a fallen blue suitcase, a few hastily taped boxes, and a white bag by the doorway counter. You question how she was able to get in but remember that you gave her a spare in case of an emergency. This was somehow an emergency.

You slip off your footwear and hang your bag before walking in to find where (F/N) has gone. Sooner or later, you found her in your kitchen, laid out on your table with a half-empty shot glass of vodka that a college friend has given. (F/N) appears sick to the core, her hair frizzy and matted, dressed in her pajamas. You have never seen your best friend like this, so depressed and honestly, you don't know what to do. The only thing that comes to mind is how (F/N) has comforted you during the hard times with your mother. She needs a shoulder to cry on and someone to listen to her. After staring at the limp body, you glide to the table and grab your chair beside (F/N).

As you lay a hand on her shoulder, she pops up revealing a bloated face with dried tears running down her cheeks along with dried snot. (F/N) takes a moment to register your presence before lunging at you for some type of comfort, crying out her heart, her ugly sobs and her incomprehensible cries once more. You try to be incredibly gentle to the broken (F/N) who was once encouraging and optimistic and comical.

"I'm right here," you tell her. "Please tell me everything. I'll listen to every word." With that, (F/N) clutches onto you and sobs some more.
As you led her to your bedroom, you sit her down on your bed, quickly handing her a box of tissues, a brush, and a cup of freshly brewed coffee. You settle beside (F/N) letting her regain her thoughts. It was a couple moments of quiet before (F/N) takes in a deep breath and clears her throat. "We were going to get engaged. At least I thought we were," she begins. "All those extra hours of 'work'", she quotes, "were with someone else when I stupidly thought it was to earn more money." She quiets, staring into her cup, rubbing its rim. "We even talked about getting married, getting four children, a new place. Was it really for nothing?" Instead of talking to you directly, she was asking herself. You pursed your lips as you lay your hand on her back telling her that you were still there with her. "It was so sudden," she continues. "He just told me to move out without a reason. I asked him many times why, refusing to move out just like that." You could only give her a simple nod. "He finally said it. He's been seeing another woman behind my back for a year. A year!" Not wanting to relive the moment of betrayal and disloyalty, she puts the coffee cup aside and covers her eyes with her palms. A sniffle escapes the miserable friend.

You leave her side for a couple of seconds to grab a blanket and a stuffed animal that resembles the one you got for her from a claw machine in South Korea. (F/N) glances at the pink bunny rabbit and smiles before embracing it. She wipes her nose and continues. "He put it bluntly. He chose that woman over me. That two-faced asshole." She sighs. "I was so angry at the whole situation, I slapped him and packed everything to move out." You pull her into a hug as (F/N) begins to speak. "I have nowhere else to go. My parents are gone. I thought I could do this myself, but... I-I can't. I was so naive to have thought we would have gotten married. I thought he was the one." She hugs the stuffed bunny tightly between her arms. You push her up so you could have things eye-to-eye.

"Everyone makes mistakes, (F/N). I mean if he left you for some other woman, he's the stupid one." She faces away as if not believing your words, but you force her to turn back. "I'm serious. I know you wanted to have a family with him, but he's not worth it to have outright told you to leave without an explanation. Sure it's hard to trust other people now, but now you have experience from a past relationship. All I'm asking is to not keep it all in. Use the experience you've gained from your mistakes. I'm sure Ryan would want to too after your slap because damn they are fierce." You managed to crack a smile from (F/N) which sent relief. "And please, stay here all you like." You couldn't see it, but you felt her smile.

Your phone suddenly rings during the moment. You rush up to grab it and see it's Taehyung. Why such a late call?

"Hello?" you answer on speaker. (F/N) walks up beside you, curious.

You and (F/N) hear quick breaths and footsteps in the background along with squeaky screaming. "(Y/N)! Please help us!" Taehyung calls, his voice shaky and breathing choppy. 'Is he being chased?' you thought.

"Noona!" Jimin's voice yells. "We're being chased by crazy fans! Help!"

You and (F/N) exchange glances and listen. "Where are you?" (F/N) demands.

"(F/N)," you hear Namjoon. "We're at a intersection by the coffee shop and park. A hoard of fans started running up to us," he manages to say while running for his life.

"Run faster!"

Your heart drops at the sound of Seokjin's voice.

"Hyung! They're right behind you!" Jungkook.

Then the call ends. Without a thought, you and (F/N) race out of the apartment complex as (F/N) starts her truck. You and (F/N) know this area like the back of your hand, so you two rush to the intersection.

You couldn't believe it. A crowd of girls ranging from fifteen to women in their late twenties storm across the streets with phones in the air in hopes of touching their beloved idols and snapping a picture. The savages. In the distance, you could see a group of seven men dashing away, every once in a while glancing how close danger is behind them. (F/N) examines the streets and street lights before speeding across the intersection to save your friends. The truck zooms pass the fans who have halted their tracks. Seokjin, at the end of the group, probably protecting his members, catches your sight and runs closer to the truck's pathway while screaming to the rest of BTS to hurry back. Their faces of tiredness and relief mix as they sprint one last moment to safety.
BTS, you, and (F/N) arrive at their hotel, still cautious of their surroundings. You are then greeted by their managers who recognize you and (F/N) and lets the two of you in.

Once you enter, you couldn't help resist the urge to hug Seokjin who was almost attacked by a craze of fans. The others catch their breath as (F/N) tends to them with water. You stare up into Seokjin's eyes with a worried expression. "What happened?"

Seokjin nods at the other members as they bring you into Seokjin's and Yoongi's hotel room.

After another minute of hugs, Namjoon sighs. "Where to begin?"

You scan the people in the room. Hoseok with Taehyung and Jungkook by a desk in a corner, their foreheads gleaming with sweat still. Yoongi sitting beside Namjoon on his bed. Jimin sitting on a stool beside (F/N). Seokjin by your side clutching onto your hand.

"After Seokjin-hyung came back," Yoongi says, "we all decided for a bit of fresh air and went for a walk at the park. There didn't seem to be that many people so we just settled there for a bit."

Jimin shifts in his seat. "We were sure to keep ourselves inconspicuous, wearing masks, no make-up, and all. But there was a couple of fans that recognize us. Surprisingly." He begins to laugh at the scene. "How gullible were we?"

"So we gave a couple of autographs, but more started crowding us, wanting more than autographs and pictures. They were," Namjoon describes," touchy. And they asked certain questions that were..."

"Before we knew it," Jungkook continues after their leader, "we were surrounded with such little space. We all grew uncomfortable as more fans started to feel everything. Yoongi-hyung started to move through the crowd saying in his best English to stop and move. When they didn't, we started running."

Seokjin's grip on your hand tightens. "We've been running in the cold for about fifteen minutes."

Both you and (F/N) had a face of concern and disgust.

Hoseok slides down into a crouch, his hands covering his exhausted face. "When we knew we couldn't run much longer to our hotel, we had to call someone. Taehyung was the only one who brought a phone so we got him to call you." He removes his hands and gives you and (F/N) the most pure smile you two have ever seen. "Thank you guys for saving us."

No words were spoken later that night as only weary faces breathed deeply for peace. You and (F/N) excused yourselves to give them space and time to rest for their only time for vacation.

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