Everything is Changing

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After some time, your mom slept soundly while holding your hand. You wiped the dried tears from your eyes and stood up with shaking legs. You looked around the room and noticed (F/N) and Seokjin standing at the door, waiting for you. You looked down and stared at the white tiles. You grabbed your bag and were about to open the door when you felt a burning anger in your stomach. Your grip tightened on the doorknob and veins popped.

"Hey.. Hey, (Y/N)... Are you okay..," (F/N) asked worriedly.

You looked up. Then looked down. "Who's the doctor..," you muttered.

"D-Doctor..? W-Why..?"

"Just tell me.."

"I think it was Luke Terry... What are you gonna do..?"

"You guys wait in the lobby..," you said, ignoring the question. You opened the door and walked out into the empty hallway. You didn't feel good about what you're doing, but you can't control. You knew you had a problem.

You searched the building for Dr. Terry and you were so glad that you found him in an empty hallway.

You walked towards him silently, your gaze never leaving him.

He looked up from his keyboard and was taken aback. "May I help you..?"

"You..." You looked up, your eyes dilated. "YOU!"

You snatched his collar, and slammed him against the wall. "Because of you! Because of you! My mother is dying early!! She didn't deserve to die!! She could've been saved, but you and your stupid damn handwriting ruined everything!! I hate you!!"

He could only cough words as you nearly choke him. You glanced at his pitiful face. Tears running down his cheek as he desperately tries to get air. Your eyes soften. You released him and stumbled back.

He coughed and held onto his neck. "Look... I'm sorry I really am..," he said, "and I didn't want it to happen either.. I was devastated as well—"

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! I don't want your damn sympathy!"

You ran off leaving Dr. Terry on the floor against the wall.

~Time Skip~

You slept in bed, your hands shaking in (F/N)'s. You couldn't sleep after what you had done this afternoon. It haunts you.

You heard a tumble outside in the living room.

You shot up from bed and listened.

"—Taehyung! Shush!"


"We have—so they won't hear."

You silently got out from bed and tip toed to the hallway. The voices became louder.

"—got the taxi?"

"Yes it's waiting for us outside."


You hear gentle footsteps being followed by luggage being dragged and rolled.

The door opened. The door closed.

You stepped out into the open and empty living room. You trudged to the coffee table holding a small card with a drawing of a rose with your name in hangul.

To our (Y/N) noona/dongsaeng,

First off, we want to thank you for giving us a place to stay and putting up with us ^^ We will never forget you and (F/N).

We are going back to South Korea because we need to promote our comeback. We've told (F/N), so we hope you understand. We hope you and (F/N) continue to support us and we wish you and your parents luck.

We love you,

'They left. They really left.'

~Time Skip~

It was only you, (F/N) and your father.

You sat at the kitchen table the next morning, playing around with your cereal. (F/N) sat across, and stared as you ate.

"If you want cereal, get it yourself," you said.

"(Y/N) are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay...," you lied.

"If you're okay, then stop eating pitifully," said (F/N).

"What's with you? Just leave me to eat," you said coldly.

"Look, we've been friends since primary school. I know you feel betrayed and—"

"Shut up! You don't know how I feel!"

"Look! You need to realize that there are other people in this world! Bangtan isn't ours! They have other fans! If I realized it, why can't you?!"

You shot her a cold glare. "I see what it is. After you got together with Ryan, your feelings for Bangtan is finally buried away. And you even knew! You even knew that they were gonna leave! Leave me!"

"You're being so selfish!! They needed to leave at some point! They can't stay here forever, they have their own life!!"


You grabbed whatever was in your hand and threw it at (F/N).

You looked up and saw (F/N) blocking. When she senses nothing else was being thrown at her, she dropped her arms and looked at you. "You are crazy! I'm trying to help you understand but you.." She slammed her hands on the table. "You are treating me like shit!"

She walked away into the restroom. You sat at the table and kneaded your hair, trying to numb the sudden headache.

What have you done?

(A/N): Hallo everyone! So much sht happened like damn 0-0

My writing this week sucked ass =_= like it's all over the place but the story is finally progressing.

I'm sorry @park_chiminie I couldn't do your request, but I needed to finish this book so I can start it's second— Wait. I've said too much.

Anticipate next week's chapter, because sht might hit the fan.

Until next week, Jill out!

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