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The best way to get over someone is get under someone else. They say.

Plus tons of alcohol.

Maybe, just maybe it's not such a bad idea.

But who with? Now that's a big question. Because obviously, virgin and all, I don't do hook ups or one night stands.

I looked at the physically male specimen in front of me. Unfortunately, he's more interested in my ex.

"I need to get over him," I said determinedly.

"Why?" Jake asked. "Shouldn't we be figuring out how to get him back?"

"There are some things that we just can't change."

I feel on the losing end of all things. I didn't just lose my boyfriend. I also lost my best friend. Worse, I lost them to her.

"So how does your gender fluidity thing work?" I asked as I finished my... I lost count of the number of beers I drank.

"Why do you ask?" he asked, his eyes lighting up, intrigued.

Without saying another word, I pushed my lips onto his.

"The best way to get over someone..." I trailed.

"Is get under someone else," he continued. "But one," he said as he pushed me away gently. "We're in the office."

"That's one?" I asked. Shouldn't: 'I'm also attracted to men', be one?

He thought for a moment and then replied, "Actually, that's it."

"So..." I trailed with my best seductive smile.

"The copy room? Nobody ever goes in there," he suggested as he took my hand in his and led me down the hall. "And besides it's a Saturday," he added.

My hearts race as our walk turned into a sprint as we hurried to the copy room, even though we were the only ones in the office.

Jake opened the lights and then locked the door as soon as we got inside, and then we were all over each other.

I guess this is one of those days when he isn't attracted to men.

And I guess this is one of those days I sleep with someone that's not my boyfriend. Actually, correction, this is one of those days that I sleep with someone, period.

I ignore the carpeted floor that is hard on my back. I imagine that the lips that are kissing me and the hands that are roaming my body belongs to Nathaniel.

I think Jake is also pretending that I'm someone else, but that's okay.

This is okay.

My heart pulsing out of my chest and I feel like a volcano about to erupt.

This is what I want.

I want to let go. To let go of my inhibitions. To let go of my control.

To forget that I need to be good, to be nice, to be perfect all the time.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" his husky voiced asked me.

"Yes," I confirmed.

And for the first time in my life, I let go.

And it felt good.


And then it was over.

I lay my head on his chest as he held me close to him, listening to his heart beat.

"I love you, my little Frankenstein," he said. "I know you imagined that I was Nathaniel. But that's okay. That's what I signed up for. I just wanted you to know."

I don't know how to respond.

My eyes felt heavy and I drifted off to sleep.




"Morning, sleepy head," I hear Jake's voice.

I opened my eyes and I found myself in my seat, fully clothed.

Was that all a dream? It was so vivid though.

I searched Jake's face for any clues.

"Did you just have a sex dream in the office?" he asked, absolutely scandalized. "You were moaning, girl. And you shouting your boyfriend's name. It's a good thing, that I'm the only one here. Absolutely, scandalous, Frankenstein."

So it was a dream.

But still, it didn't stop me from blushing like a tomato and covering my face in embarrassment.

At least in was just a dream.

Because that would really be scandalous.

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