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Backups... these are very important when you are doing anything computer related. I'm a programmer and we always, always backup. Because, even we don't trust computers that much. We don't even trust ourselves that much.

We not only keep backups of our files, we have this thing called subversion, where we even keep backups of all the versions of our files, that we can revert to at any time.

If only we can have that in real life...

File: Potential Boyfriend. I'm adding potential, because I've never actually had a boyfriend before, so nothing to revert to. So yes, backups of potential boyfriends.

Let's say this guy, let's just say Nate, he used to like me, it doesn't matter that it was four years ago. Why can't I revert to that time when he still liked me, and take him up on his offer and finally get a boyfriend?

One time, when we were, admittedly not that sober, he said that in case, I never find my rich sugar daddy (yes, he used the term sugar daddy), I can always have him. He's willing to be my back up plan. My fail-safe...

But what if he finally decided to admit his feelings and actually go after the girl that currently likes (actually, he liked Tia for a pretty long time already)?

What would happen to my backup now? Did my server crash and I lost that particular version of Potential Boyfriend?

I think I am losing Nate. I am losing Nate to Tia.

#ILoveYou #YouLoveHerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora