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The line between "just friends" and "more than friends" is a little scary to cross. The relationship between "more than friends" is rockier than "just friends", what if you get into a fight, or you realize that "more than friends" is not what we expected it to be. But it feels like something you can't go back from.

What would happen to our friendship then? Will it end the same time our relationship ends?

But I don't want that, I'd feel like I'm losing two persons at the same time. Two persons who matter very very much to me. And that scares me very much.

"Are you afraid of the inevitable breakup?" Mich asked.

"Why is it inevitable?" I asked. That doesn't help at all.

"The race thing," she replied with a shrug.

"You think that I didn't consider that?"

She nodded.

"I'm prepared to stand up for Tia."

"We have been friends for almost a decade and your parents haven't even met Tia."

"What's your point?"

"I don't think they will take it so well."

"Of course they won't. But that's their problem."

"You lucky... only son," she replied.

I nodded.

"To be honest, I'm afraid that I don't even need my parents to ruin things," I added.

She laughed.

"You'll probably do fine on your own. It's parents with their ridiculous expectations that ruin things," she added.

"Not just them..."

"Your friends are dying for the two of you to finally get together, they'd have nothing mean to say," she replied, meaning herself.

None of my other friends, my guy friends actually know about Tia. At least know that I think of Tia as more than a friend.

They all knew about Mich though. They had warned me against her, but I didn't listen. And look where I ended up.

Although, it's not so bad. But I guess, it's maybe because I can forgive her no matter what she does, and how she treats me. And I guess, that's just kind of pathetic on my part. But hey, at least we got back to "just friends", although I don't she ever crossed that line. It had always been just me.

"You don't have anything to say? Honestly?" I prodded.

I know that Mich, always so used to getting what she wants and keeping what she wants, might be a bit, even if it's just a tiny bit, jealous. She's just never going to admit it.

"No..." she trailed. "I can't wait for you two to finally be together. I mean, it's been a long time coming."

I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

And she does, "I will be very happy for the two of you, if you actually take the next step," she said with a grin. "Just go ahead and tell her already."


"What changed though?" I asked Nate."Changed?""You know, your mind. I thought you were quite adamant about never telling Tia about your feelings for her.""You did.""Seeing the way that Tia looks at you, and me."

"And you can help me review for the Bible Quiz."

"You want to study while getting drunk?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I need to pass a Bible Quiz given by a pastor, I think I need all the liquid courage I can get."

"You need all the help that you can get. Good thing, I was such a religious choir girl, huh?" I asked with a smirk. "And we're getting coffee instead."

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