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The Squad started with Nate, Tia and I, and then it grew and shrunk as we befriended or unfriended people.

An abridged Squad history:

- Michelle, Tia and Nate meet for the first time.

- Michelle befriends Cosmo (gay, and obviously not his real name). I'd like to think of Cosmo as my back up boyfriend, despite being gay and all.

- Michelle also befriends Gemma, who went on to become my thesis mate and then coworker.

- Dan (one of our professors) courts Tia. Despite being our prof, his age is actually pretty close to ours because he is a boy genius. So, on account of age- less of a creep factor, but on account of being some Computer Science subject's professors, and as far as most guys that I've met in CompSci goes- stalker potential is high and therefore creep factor is higher than any other prof that taught any other subject.

- Michelle befriends Ellie (likes girls, likes me), whose courtship device is befriending all your friends.

- Tia and Nate briefly date. So, even if Dan and Nate are seated literally directly in front of each other, they don't say a word to each other. So, obviously Dan is out of the squad.

- Michelle moves to another country. So, only shows up in Squad during Christmas.

- Tia befriends Laura (her colleague, as far as I know, straight). Tia decided to always have a chaperon to avoid being alone with Nate during Squad dinners (I honestly don't know why). Nate gave Tia the latest iPhone and Laura the latest Sony Xperia one Christmas, while Tia gave Nate the latest Playstation (that's how tight they were. Nothing says BFF better than the latest gadgets. Cosmo, Ellie and I pooled our money together to get Nate an external hard drive, but I only got a Starbucks planner).

- One Christmas, we (sans Dan, obviously) went on an out of town trip on the day the world was supposed to end.

- Ellie also moves to another of the country (a different country). So, also only shows up in Squad during Christmas.

Squad Goals: have people that you'd want to spend the supposed end of the world with. But the Mayans were wrong and the Squad got to live another day.

So I guess, the so-called Welcome Home dinner party for me with the squad will be just Nate, Tia, Cosmo, Laura and I. Gemma is on a month long vacation in the States and Canada, where she will most likely meet up with Ellie.

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