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"What's up?" I texted Mich on a Saturday, because I knew she hated being alone on weekends.

"At the mall," she replied.

"By yourself?"

"A reliable source tells me that he's here today."

"A reliable source?"

"Fine, I'm a stalker. I plan on running into him."

"Running into him, huh?"

"He can't avoid me forever."

"Good luck with that." I guess she doesn't need my company after all.


So one of his friends checked in at a restaurant and tagged him. That's pretty reliable, right?

And I'm just hanging out at the most prominent Starbucks in the mall, because I know that he'd never leave without having his green tea latte fix.

If I was going to spend the day alone anyway, I might as well do it with a white chocolate mocha and a small chance that I'd run into him, right?

"Any luck?" Nate texted an hour later.


"Well...?" Nate texted again after a minute.

Okay, so maybe this mall has more than one Starbucks, but this is the one nearest to the restaurant that they were just at.

"So how's that heartfelt reunion?" Nate texted again after another hour.

Where is he? He was clearly at the restaurant. His friend just posted a group picture. I should've have seen them past by.

"Frienzoned?" Nate texted, yet again.

That's it, I am blocking him.

"Do you want to catch a movie instead?" Nate texted yet again.

I am not leaving this spot until I catch a glimpse of him. Is it pathetic? Yes, it probably is. But I don't care.

"I'll buy you popcorn," Nate, again.

"Fine," I replied.

"I'll see you then," he replied.

And then Nate sat down in less than fifteen minutes, he had been hanging around the mall the whole day too. He was at the Dairy Queen next door.

Apparently, I didn't see him past by either.

Serendipity only happens in movies.

In the movies, as you are waiting forever for the bus and then a car stops suddenly in front of you and the window rolls down, it's usually him, and he would offer you a ride.

In real life, you'd see through the passenger seat's window and you'd recognize him, but he's snoozing, and it's not as if you can knock on his window, because his dad is driving and that would be embarrassing, and besides his car is just making a u-turn and no one's offering you a ride even if you're heading to the same place.

Okay, that was a pretty run on sentence, but you get the point, right?

In real life, the chances of running into him are close to none. Even if you already know that he would be at the mall that day, and has been hanging around there for hours already.

The other time I accidentally ran into him was at the check out line in a bookstore. He had been behind me the whole time, but I was too preoccupied reading the back of my book to notice. He only called to me as I was leaving, and I was too surprised to say anything intelligible.

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