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I felt a gentle pat on the shoulder, waking me up. I'm a little disappointed Nathaniel didn't give me a kiss on the lips instead like in Sleeping Beauty.

"You know the prince was a necrophiliac, right?" he said.

Wait, did I say it out loud?

"You said it out loud," he confirmed.

"But who are we kidding, the one, the prince, even the necrophiliac ones, they only exist in fairytales," she had told me.

"Good thing you're not then," I replied awkwardly. I had built up so much anticipation, that I'd like to be wide awake if we were to ever do it.

Then I had a sudden sinking realization. "Did I talk in my sleep?" I had been known to do that. Oh no, what kind of sounds could I had been making from that dream.

"Not really. I wasn't so much as talking as..." he struggled to describe it. "Mewing? Like a cat? Not loudly though."

Mewing? You mean moaning? I was moaning in my sleep! Thank goodness I didn't shout his name like I did in my dream.

"Oh and you mentioned my name once," he added.

Oh. My. Gosh. Could he have guessed what I was dreaming about?

"Did you also want to know if you snored?" he asked with a sly smile.

"Did I?" I asked, not really sure what is worse, snoring or him realizing that I had a sex dream about him.

"Only a little bit. Not as bad as Mich described it," he replied with a smirk. "Or rather, not as loud as when she recorded it."

I covered my face in embarrassment, remembering how she recorded my snoring when I fell asleep that time we were working on our group project, and then she proceeded to play aforementioned recording in the middle of our school's hallway, where Nathaniel and a bunch of other insignificant classmates heard it. It has sounded like a car engine roaring.

"Don't worry, Mich snores too," he assured me.

And how does he know that she snores? Oh right, from all those nights they spent at five star hotels, where they claimed to just be talking until sunrise. Not really reassuring, Nathaniel.

"So what was your dream about?" he asked with an eyebrow raised conspiratorially.

"What do you think?" I replied with a sly smile.

"No idea. Hence the question," he replied instead. "Anyway, we're here. I thought we could have lunch here. I remember you like this place, right?"

We were at the restaurant we spent the supposed end of the world day in. Actually, she was the one who picked the restaurant, because she liked this place.

I nodded instead. The restaurant does have a good view of a volcanic island in the middle of a lake, and served pretty good Filipino food.


"Do you think that dreams reveal something deep and dark about ourselves?" I asked Nathaniel as we ate our lunch.

"That sounds like a question Mich would ponder," he commented.

"Well?" I prompted. He did not actually answer my question.

"I don't think so, Tia," he replied.

"Why not?"

"I don't think there's anything dark about you," he answered like a good boyfriend. Actually, he answered like a smart boyfriend. A careful boyfriend.

"Okay. If not dark, then honest?" I corrected.

"Why? What did you dream about?" he asked directly.

"What you heard weren't mews," I said. "They were probably moans."

He just raised an eyebrow and sat back in his chair, waiting for me to continue.

"I had a... dream about you," I admitted.

He just nodded, his eyes a little amused.

Is he actually going to make it spell it out? Fine. "We had sex in my dream," I whispered.

"I guessed as much," he replied.

He knew? Oh, this is so embarrassing.

"But just to make this one thing clear," he started. "The whole save yourself until marriage thing also applies to me."

Oh. "Oh, good," I replied, a little relieved. "Then let's get married," I attempted as a joke.

A very bad joke, because his forehead crinkled ever so slightly before giving me his best poker face. And that got me worried.

He suddenly raised an eyebrow and replied continuing my joke, "That's actually not a bad reason to get married."

"So should we do it?" I asked.

"By 'it', did you mean the marriage or the wedding night?" he asked, his eyes are playful now, which brought some relief to the tension.

"I think you're the one for me," I said. "I think that in this world with its millions and billions of people..." I started, remembering a conversation I had with Michelle.

"But what are the chance of a guy we like, also happens to like us back at the same time? What are the chances that you picked him among the millions, billions of people in the world, and he'd also pick you from among the millions, billions of people in the world at this moment in time? What are the odds?" she had asked.

"Finding the one seems mathematically impossible," I continued. "So we are really lucky to have found each other. And I don't think we need to waste our time... Let's just fast forward-"

"And get married?" he questioned.

"It is the finish line."

#ILoveYou #YouLoveHerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें