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"So, did you find a boyfriend?" Nate repeated the question Tia's mom asked, when we got to his car, he was, as usual, driving me home.

I repeated my laugh.

"No, of course not," I replied. "I had no luck finding a boyfriend. Even after stalking a mall for hours..."

"I guess you fail at stalking too," he replied.

"Too? So how often do you stalk Tia and miss?" I asked.

He cleared his throat. "Not Tia."

"You stalked me?" I asked with feigned shock.

"Failed at stalking," he reiterated.

"Are you going to tell me about it?" I asked.

"Nope. Never," he replied with a smirk.

"You're baiting me."

"And you're not getting anything out of me," he replied with a grin.


"What does Tia's parents think of you and Tia?" I asked after a while. It was actually quite a long ride from Tia's church to my house.

"Nothing, I guess," he replied. "I figured that they thought that I was still... you know... you..."

"Nah, I don't think that they'd think you're that pathetic-"

"Excuse me?"

"Peace! I slipped-"

"Well, at least I'm not evil," he replied, there he goes again with his I'm a devil's spawn theory. "I'm surprised you didn't burn a while ago."

I know that the reason why he would call me evil, is, maybe because I actually was a little evil, I guess, to him. I was not the person of the year for the way that I had treated, okay, still treating, him. But-

Actually, there are no buts to it. I totally deserve being called evil by Nate.

"No, I didn't. Disappointed?" I asked with a smirk.

"A little."


I didn't say much during lunch, but this is what I wanted to say:

"Michelle is too blinded by her sensationalized feelings for a guy who doesn't even bother to reply to any of her messages to notice anyone else."

But I didn't.

I am also kind of glad that Michelle didn't come back with a boyfriend in hand.

She's still smirking at me, challenging me.

Not because I'd still have a chance with her, but because that will mean that we are still on the same boat- pathetically pining for someone who we can't have.

She puffed up her cheeks, I poked it instinctively and she made a sound that made me laugh.

But I hate how every little thing she does still affects me.


Made Nate laugh.

"So... Tia's parents want her to be with that Ben guy. What do you think of that?" I asked.

"I'm a much better choice," he replied.

"You should've told them that."

"I haven't passed Tia's Bible Quiz though."


"Do you want to get a drink?" he asked.

I laughed. "Now? After church and lunch with a pastor?"

He shrugged. "Come on, I miss drinking with my best girl friend."

"Girl space friend."

"Yes... Girl space friend."

"Sure, why not."

"I feel like there are things that I can say to you much better drunk."

I raised an eyebrow, "Should I reconsider my answer? You are after all a self-confessed stalker."

He just laughed.

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