Chapter 38

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          Kira came around from Scott, pulled myself up to standing position and had me put her arms around her should. When I looked back at Stile's, who was looking at me, Scott requested the same. Then we started walking towards the exit and then started running when Lydia opened the door to leave. As we left the house, people from the party were completely oblivious from what just happened to us. Are they that oblivious or where they already tested? I was lost in my own thoughts for me not to realize I was being wrapped in a blanket and picked up by a sandy brown haired man.              
          "Hi Jordan."
          "Hi, we need to get you two to a warmer area, your both freezing and will become hypothermic if you don't warm up." He walked faster to the black cruiser that was running. He gently put me down in the back and the heat was blasting in all directions, causing tingly feelings through my body like when a kid comes inside and enjoys a hot chocolate after being in the snow too long.
          "Where's Stiles?"
          "He's coming. I don't think Scott would carry him bridal style." He laughed to himself and stopped when I didn't find it too amusing.
          "Please get him in here parish, I can't have-" I gulped down a glob of spit at the thought of some thing happening to Stiles.
          Parish understood and spoke "I understand. I'll try my best." He left the car, shut the door, and the car lights went out.

          I waited, and waited. Soon my body warmed up and I took the blanket off from around me and slowly moved to turn the heat down. I reached for the knob but noticed the clock that read 3am and stared at it. "How long has it been?" There was no sound coming from outside the car, so I got out. I know what your thinking, DONT GET OUT, SOMETHING COULD BE STALKING YOU AND KILLED EVERYONE! Well, I NEED TO MAKE SURE. So I got out the drivers side and kept the door open. I looked around, no one was in sight, at. All. My mouth got dry and a chill went up my body. I quickly got back into the car and shut the door as fast as possible. Crap, that was loud. I thought to myself as I pushed myself into the drivers seat. "I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be driving a police cruiser but, well, guess I have too." I looked at the gas gauge and thank god it was at half full. Clipping my seatbuckle and nervously adjusting the seat, a square lit up on the passenger side. I jumped of course when I heard the ringtone pierce the silence and I locked the doors from reflexes. I picked up the phone and saw Kira's face. "This is not my phone but let's answer it." I placed the phone to my ear after tapping the screen and got a rush of hushed words from Kira. "Y/N. Leave. Get out of the woods. Get to station and through the phone out the window. We will explain later." She hung up and left me with the end tone of a phone call. I quickly typed in the coordinates for the station, memorized them once they appeared. Deleted the history of the map app and threw the phone out of the window. I put the car into gear and drove away from Theo's house as quick as possible.

          My eyes shot open, my body twitched then it let me sit up once my limbs went mobile. I looked around in the dark, dripping in sweat. "I - I need the light on." I said out loud thinking it would help settle my mind. I got up and lost my balance slightly but regained it from a near by chair and turned on ceiling light. My eyes shut immediately from the Intesity of the light. 

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