Chapter 11

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          I smiled and looked down while I walked over to lean against the old blue lockers. The hallways was dimmed with exit signs on one end and a stair case to the other. I held my jacket and realized the rain soaked through my white T-shirt. Great, I thought. I put the jacket on to conceal anything revealing. Looking around, I began to pace in the hall way. I figured he was taking a quick shower until something came from the end of the hallway. I scooted down the hallway and look around and saw a shadow figure walk through the double doors that were next to the stair case. The figured looked around and my eyes widened when they started toward me. Slowly backing up, the squeaks from my converse gave me away but then I took a closer look and saw who it was.
          "Your following me now?" Theo said while walking past me in his dirty la crosse uniform.
          "Uhh no." I turned and leaned against the hallway when he went into the locker room.

          2 minutes later the locker room door swung open and Theo came at me without a shirt and pushed me against the lockers.
          "How did you do that? What are you?"
          "What - do you mean?" He got closer to me.
          "Don't play dumb. I saw your aura."
          "Can you please back up.. I'm kind of claustrophobic.." I started pushing him away with the tips of my fingers on his chest when you could hear sizzling sounds like a hamburger on a grill.
          "What the hell?!?!" He lifted me up and had his hand around my neck, blocking my air way. "I saw wings, a white dress and gold coloring. What ARE you??"
           I put my hand on his chest to burn it more. "Let go." I glanced over to see Stiles shirtless back to us getting dressed. Theo caught my gaze and I swallowed hard.
           "If you won't tell me then I'll hurt him."
           I pushed onto his chest and heat and steam came from under my hand. "If you touch a single hair on his head, there will be affliction on you to pay." I took my hand off his chest but his grip tightened on my neck.
          He moved closer and breathed down my neck "I'm going to find out what you are and when I do, you won't like it."
          "THEO!! WHAT THE HELL MAN!?" Stiles ran out and pushed Theo down.
          "She's something and I'm guessing when we find out, we won't like it. Look what she did." He pointed to the black burn on his chest of a hand print.
          "Yeahhhhhh okay. You still won't be in the pack by trying to lie about something." Stiles turned around. "You okay?"
          I nodded and started coughing while rubbing my throat. I looked at Stiles wet hair and face. His jaw line, soft pink lips and then to his golden chocolate brown eyes. "I'll be fine, please don't worry." Stiles helped me and we went into the locker room.
          "Thanks." I said quietly to him.
"It looked like he was hurting you, plus Theo is crazy." He was packing away his clothes and zipped his gear bag up. I grabbed his la crosse stick and went to grab his stuff but he refused.
          "I'm fine, don't worry." Stiles said to me with a small smile.
          "But why should the player who scored the winning shot have to carry his stuff?" I smiled at him and took his bag and put it over my shoulder.
          "Thanks." He said as we walked out of the school and to his blue jeep.

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