Chapter 10

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          I sped walked to the school and heard a high pitched beep. I saw Kira get out of a car and started walking over to me.
          "Hey, your Y/N right?" She said while smiling and walking in my direction while trying to fiddle with her la crosse bag.
          "Yes, and your Kira right? I think your in my science and gym class."
          "Yes, with Scott and Stiles. What are you doing?"
          "Going to the game. I thought you were part of the team? I think Coach mentioned it at gym."
          "Yes and I'm late! See you soon!!" She said while waving and running on the concrete walk way to the school entrance.
          I decided to go into the school to wish the team luck. I walked through the double blue doors and went down the hallway into the locker room. I slowly walked in and stopped while Coach gave a speech. I think it was from Independence Day. Coach finished his speech and I saw Stiles and Scott talking and grabbing their maroon gear. I began walking over until I bumped into a concrete brick wall, not watching where I was going.
          "Watch out for those. They tend to pop out when least expected!"
          "Sooo, you saw that, I'm guessing."
          "Your guessing correctly. Thanks for coming." Stiles smiled and I saw him glance down. "Nice sneakers."
          "Thanks. I just came in to say good luck and you'll do great." I said to Stiles and smiled.
          "I'm more of a distraction for Scott and everyone else." Stiles joked.
          "You can't be that-"
          "Ehhhhh" Scott joked when shaking his hand for kind of. I laughed and left the smelly locker room. I walked out to the green la crosse field. My phone fell from my hand. What a cluts, I thought. I went to grab it but someone else did.
          "Come to see me play?"
           I looked up at the grinning face and saw a boy named Theo. I sighed. "Not really, no." I started walking away until he followed me.
          "Why don't you like me? I'm charming, handsome, cunning-"
          "Big headed, bipolar and totally insensitive. Go find a blonde haired I broke a nail girl to chase because your not going to win." I walked to my seat on the bleachers and looked over at the team. Coach was talking to everyone, Theo had a mad look, Kira was talking with Scott, and Stiles, well he was fumbling with his stuff.
           "I really hope he will be okay."
          "Hey, your my new neighbor!" A grown man said while sitting next to me in an army green casual button up and dark jeans.
          I looked over. This man had sandy brown hair, pale pinkish skin and a toothy grin.
         "Stiles dad right? Or guardian?"
         "Dad, sheriff Stilinski. And your actual name?"
         "Y/N." I smiled at him and the game started.

          "I guess he wasn't kidding." I winced as I saw someone shove his shoulder into Stiles, causing him to get knocked down.
          "Who, Stiles?" His dad questioned and I nodded. "Yeah, he gets a few shots here and there but doesn't have too much muscle to keep him up." We both laughed.
          "He said he was the distraction." Both of us said at the same time. We both heard thunder and it started sprinkling but there was only a minute left and the only one free to get the ball what Stiles. Kira and Scott had the wind knocked out of them when the abomination came towards them.
          I stood up when I saw the ball go to Stiles and who just stood there, frozen, like a block of ice. I practically jumped out of the seat.
          "RUN STILES!! SHOOOOOT!!!!" His dad joined me and Stiles started running to the goal and took a shot. People left and right started to go after the flying white ball but kept missing. The ball hit the side of the goal and hit it just enough to get it. The entire crowd got up and yelled. Stiles had shot the winning point to put us one point over for the winning goal. Thunder and rain came in and it started to pour. His dad ran to him to give him a hug and stood their clapping and wahooing. "Go Stiles!!" I looked over and saw Theo kind of pissed. I smiled a toothy smile and clapped. I left my seat and ran over to Stiles.
          "Great shot Stiles." I said but lightning came and lit the sky up as if the sun came back.
          "Let's go inside." He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me along the way while others went inside too. I felt a shock when he touched me but he didn't pull away. I blushed and hid my face but I think his dad saw me. Great, I thought. We walked infront of the boys locker room door but I didn't go in. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
          "Do you mind waiting. I won't be long." Stiles smiled.
          "I'm going to go. Your more then welcome to come over Y/N. Hope to see you around more." Stiles dad smiled and hugged his son good bye and asked him a few questions before leaving.
          "I'll wait out here then?" I said while point to the hallway.
          "If you don't mind." He smiled and went into the locker room.

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