Chapter 15

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          Stiles brought me home that night and said to leave my window open so if I need him, I can yell for him. I slept for the rest of the night and most of the day. I woke up to the smell of turkey and apple sauce. I got up and threw on a cardigan and shorts and walked down stairs.
          "Parrish? What are you --" I saw Lydia, Scott, Kira, Stiles, the Sheriff, Mrs. McCall, Parrish and Deaton all gathered in the kitchen.
          "Happy thanksgiving Y/N." Scott's mom walked over and hugged me and I hugged her back. "Sorry, I didn't know we were having people over." I looked over at the clock and saw it was 2pm. Then I remember I was in pajama shorts and cardigan that I moved to cover my bra. "Well, this is embarrassing. I'm gunna go change." My face went red when I saw Stiles looking at me and I slowly backed up and went to take a shower. I probably looked like a wreck. I finished in the shower and wrapped a towel around me and left the bathroom and went into my room.

          "I hope you don't mind but I brought clothes for you to wear, possibly."
          "Totally fine but do you think I should be this dressed up?" Lydia walked over to me and touched my arm.
          "You have one day left, let's make it special and hope it helps, at least for you to get something more than just a smile."
          I smiled reassuringly and got dressed.

          "Do I look okay?" I turned around to face Lydia who dressed me in a gold glittery shirt and a white cream blazer. I was wearing golden nude heels and deep blue skinny jeans. Everything was paired with gold earrings and a gold necklace. My hair was down and curled and waved like Lydia always did hers.
          "You look perfect." She said and smiled.
          "Hi." I voice came from the door frame. I looked over and saw Stiles in a white button up and black dress pants with dress shoes.
          "Foods ready and you look great." Stiles smiled and walked in and Lydia left.
          "But you always look great, so come on." Stiles held out his hand but I noticed something.
"Um, hold on." I took the heels off and stood on my bed and motioned Stiles to come over and he did so. I ran my fingers through his gelled hair and messed it up.
          "Why did you do that?"
          "Because, Stiles, you always look great too." I got down and put the heels back on and walked down stairs with Stiles.

          We ate and shared stories until we were all full. Stiles and I got up and moved to the living room.
          "You gunna ever tell me what happened in your dream?" He said softly.
          "Soon, once I fully put everything together my self." I chuckled a bit and left my heels on the ground and put my legs to my chest and leaned my head on my hand that was against the couch cushion while looking at Stiles and smiled.
          "What?" He smiled.
          "Oh nothing." I kept smiling.
          "Can I ask you something?" Stiles asked intently and slowly. I looked at him and got up while putting my heels on and motioned for him to follow. I walked up stairs and into my room that had a balcony. I sat down on my bed. "By the way you said 'can I ask you something?' Seemed like it needed somewhere private. What's up?"
          "Umm, why have you been acting strange? There are days you are completely happy then days you are completely ignoring everyone and everything. You okay?" He stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand.
          I looked down and squeezed it. "I think I need to tell you something" I let go of his hand and took off my white cream blazer and set it down. I got up and went over to the calendar and marked off today's date. "I have been marking off 2 weeks on this calendar because something is going to happen tomorrow."
          "Like what?" Stiles said.
        I closed the door to my room and took off my shirt, leaving me in a bra. I walked over to him and moved my hair off my back revealing my mark on my back. "Tell me what you see.."
          I felt his hand pushing loose hair out of the way, sending electricity down my spine from his touch and slowly rub over the marking. "Wings, but they looked frayed" he said curiously.
          I turned around while putting my shirt back on and looked at him. "They aren't suppose to be frayed.
          "Then why are they?"
          "No idea" I said while putting my shirt back on. "I know it's not good. I'm not human, completely but unfortunately I'm not sure what's going to happen tomorrow. If I will live or if I will-" he cut me off
          "Die.. Is that why your always up and down with how you act?"
          I sighed. "Unfortunately, yes."
          Stiles got closer to me and lift my chin with his index finger. He looked into my eyes and I looked in his, I felt safe where I was.
          "You'll be okay, I just know it."
          "But how do you know? I don't even know.."
          My thoughts were disconnected when I felt soft lips on mine. They were warm and inviting, soft and supple and just what I needed. His hand moved from my chin to my jaw and his thumb rubbed my cheek. I lifted my arm and put my hand on his arm that was lifted for my jaw. My other arm found his shoulder.

          A knock came from my door and we both pulled away from each other. "Yes?" We both said.
          "Dessert." Scott said. We both looked at each other and smiled and went down stairs for dessert.

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