Chapter 12

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          This girl came into school and she was beautiful, no doubt. Maybe more beautiful then Lydia but hopefully her personality matches. I spent the rest of the day wondering were she came from and why she would come here. I couldn't think of anything but Scott had an accident at the animal clinic and guess who was there, Y/N, the new girl. I knew somthing was up. Usually with new people comes the supernatural. Some cat decided to hurt itself like it did when Miss Blake was in town. Then Scott said he saw something around her that was like it was a part of her, but when he changed his eyes back, he saw nothing. Just like Kira, Y/N has an aura that shows her true self. So Scott and I spent the rest of the week trying to figure out what he saw in the animal clinic. We found traces of creatures with wings but nothing of auras or human forms. Scott and I decided that we need to stay close to her and get to know her. See if she's a liar like Theo or if she really is who she acts to be. Y/N seems innocent enough but where did she come from, is the question. Parrish some how knows her and Lydia seems to be her best friend already.

          "Stiles, do what ever you have to, to keep her around but don't tell her about what I am or anything. We don't want her using it against us if she doesn't already know." I nodded to Scott and I listened. There was one la crosse game left at the end of the week, so I decided to invite her.

*after la crosse game*

          "Have a good night." I told her as we left my jeep and she walked over to her brown and red colored house and I walked to mine. I went through the front door with my stuff and sat it down to the side. I walked over into the kitchen, went into the fridge, and grabbed a water.
          "Grab one for me too please." My dad said and I followed with the request and tossed it over to him, who was leaning on the door frame.
           "She's different." He smiled and drank his water.
           "Who, Y/N? Yeah, she's nice." I drank my water and leaned against the counter.
           "I don't mean in that way. I mean, she seems like she's a human and nothing supernatural. And don't get me wrong about Malia, but Y/N actually pleasant to be around."
           "Malia wasn't pleasant?" I sort of spat at him.
           "Stiles, you know what I mean. Malia was great but not as easy to talk to as Y/N is."
           "You want to date her then? It will be illegal." I drank some of my water and leaned against the counter.
           "No, why? Don't you?"
           "Scott and I don't think she's human. And Theo said something about it as well." I walked over and passed my dad and walked up to my room. I heard foot steps following quickly behind me. I turned around after opening my door.
          "What do you mean Stiles? I thought you didn't trust Theo? She isn't another werewolf right?" He walked passed me and into my room.
          "I don't and no, but we think she might be something that no one isn't sure about exists, and I mean higher on the myth list than werewolves." I sat at my computer desk and tapped my fingers.
          "What could be anything more supernatural than a teen wolf?"
          "Heaven and Hell dad."

          My dad and I discussed everything and he went to his room down the hall to sleep. I changed into a red shirt and my plaid pj pants when a light turned on, but not in my room or house. A light from next door. I looked over at the window and saw Y/N go into her room. She threw down her bag and looked annoyed and frustrated. She began to get undressed so I looked away. I went to shut my light off and got a glance of her back. She had a tattoo of wings going from her shoulder blades to her lower back. They looked beautiful from the size of them but something was wrong. It seemed like the edges of her wings were burning. She walked over to a calendar and took a red sharpie and x'ed off another day. There were several x's already on it. With only 6 left between today and a red circle around the day after thanksgiving.

          I laid in bed thinking why she was marking off 2 weeks worth of days and why the circled day could be so important.

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