Confusion, Illusions, and Depression

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As I walked inside my shared bedroom I see Amy's back facing me with her looking at something really focusly that she didn't bother knowing my existence in the room. 


"Wh-What?" She stutters shocked in my presence. 

"Whatcha sooo focused in?" I walked towards her as she quickly demolish what was once a document. 


"I'm not stupid." I pushed her to the side for me to see, but all I see are weird looking pieces of paper with crossword puzzles on them. "What's this?" I picked up each one see what's so special about them. They were just Halloween themed stuff. 

"Um..." She was loss for words. I was lost of confusion. 

"Um...What?" I mocked her. 

She sighed and I guess she decided to trust me. 

"This." She shoved some pieces together and I could see words. 

" N-e-x-t. Time?" I question. "Until when for what? From whom?" I quickly throw out questions.

"I don't know, but from all the arrows that have been shot to us for secret notes-" I cut her off. 

"Shot?" I ask with my left eyebrow raised. 

Our conversation were cut short with Mike calling us for dinner. 

"This is not over." I tell Amy. I walk out checking my cell for any call from Christina, but there's probably a time difference. 

"What's for dinner." I asked as I walked down the stairs. 

"Pasta." Mike took a pot off the stove and I assume is the sauce and a pot of spaghetti nooddles came into play. 

"You mean spaghetti?" I correct.

"Same category." 

"Whatever." I sat down at my usual seat, but now it just feels weird without half of the family. 

"I wish the little boys didn't go. Joey's all alone." 

"I know right. I'm all alone." Joey pouted. 

"They'll be back before you know it." I assure him. 

Amy finally comes in. 

"Wow, empty here." She annouces. 

"Can somebody call Dani down for dinner?" Mike sees that it's only the 4 of us. 

"I'll go." Joey gets up and runs upstairs. 

We all heard a scream. 

We looked at each other and ran. 

"What happened?" Mike opens Dani's shared bedroom. We see Joey frozen and see Dani on the floor with blood. 

"How could we have not check on Dani?!" I yell. 

"SOMEONE CALL 911!" Mike rushes downstairs.

5 minutes later an ambulance comes. 

"Can you tell me what happened ma'am?" A women officer comes and takes out a notepad questioning me. 

"We were all preparing for dinner and then we told Joey to get Dani the girl. We then heard a scream and we rushed upstairs. We see him" I pointed to Joey. "Frozen in fear and Dani passed out on the floor with blood rushing through her." I say trying to sum it all up in 2 sentences. 

"Thank You." She walked away leaving me still without an answer. 

4 police calls in 2 weeks. Must be a record. 


Meanwhile in Europe: 

Christina, Lisa, and Lauren tried to fit into one bed as they slept and on the other bed lies Alex, Christian, and Nick sleeping and snoring away. 

It was 12:00 in the morning for them, but it was bad over in America. 

Christina's phone was still unfound. 


Insider clue: 

Someone found Christina's phone. That person has been a naughty boy. Surely not on Santa's nice list. *Hint, Hint* 

A/N: I don't know if any of you guys know what I'm talking about when I say the hint, but this chapter got more drama and whatever. So anyways sorry, but the updates will usually on Saturdays or Friday night. I've been studying Spanish so comment below if you know what I'm saying when I say, Como te llamas? Hoy es sabado. Adios! Anyways vote for support, comment for ideas, and be awesome just because I say so! 

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