Crystal Clear

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I can't find my razors. What the? I know I had it under my bunk. No one knows my secret because if they did they would've told me. No one seemed to have cleaned our room. 

It's like a drug, I feel like I might just die from it, but maybe this is a sign. i keep on feeling my scars. There tiny so I cover it with some of Lisa's make up and bracelets. I feel so disappointed in myself. No wonder the fans say that I'm ugly and bad. Their telling me what's the truth. 

Abused and used. Describes it all. 

My emotions sum up all the actions in life. I've learned a lot in my years of life. 'It's not perfect'. What am I gonna do. I just hope no one knows my secret. Not the one I cut, the one where I know. Knowing all the families secrets. Let me refresh your memory now will I? 

It started 2 days ago. When I was in the attic. I was searching for some pictures for my scrapbook. Yep I have no life. I found a box that said memories. Of course that has pictures right? More than that. Secrets. A book of secrets. Secrets that are kept from you. I opened it and dust covered my eyes for a few seconds. Indeed pictures. Pictures that I never imagine to have. I looked at one of these 'pictures' It was me. Me and Mom. I looked at the back of the photo. June 15, 2000. We found a baby at our front door step. The moment I realized I was an unwanted child. A abandoned child. (A/N: Not really. She's a blood related Cimorelli) I dislike my parents. I wouldn't say that I hate them because they did raise me. No wonder I'm not as talented as the rest because I'm not one of the them. 

That moment when you realize when all the hate is actually true. I'm listening to the song Blow me (One last kiss) by P!nk. It has some swear words, but I'm too mind filled to care. 

'All the lies, All the why's, will be crystal clear' Sure. No. 

I walked downstairs quietly and looked both ways to make sure it's cleared. I walked out the back door and hopped on my bike and pedelled to the library. I'm gonna search up somethings that will make me win my battle. My battle of truth and dignity. I looked for laws books. Of course I can't understand them, but maybe some easy books will start off my journey. 

I went to the librarian. "Excuse me do you have some law books that are easy for a kid like my age?" She nodded and led me to this section that I've never seen before of course I don't really come here. 

This is no help. Fudge my life. I want fudge. I pedalled my bike home. Let's just hope no one noticed I wasn't home. 

I walked in casaully as possible. Nope. I turned my heel when I saw mom and dad looking straight at me with some stranger. Nuts. I'm so toast. I'm using a lot of foods that make me more hungrier. I walked past them into the kitchen. I would normally just stand there, but today I'm too hungry. 

What am I doing? I'm fat enough! Stop, but this is so delicious. I haven't ate since last night's dinner and it's noon. 

"What are you doing?" Mom asked angrily.

"Eating." I replied munching one the Nutella. 

"Stop." Dad said sternly.

"So your going to let your daughter starve?" I cringed a little when I said 'daughter'. 

"What about the consequences for not tell us you're going out?" 

"I went to the library!" I argued back.

"Without telling us?!" Mom yelled. This is the first time she has ever yelled at me.

"What does he have to do with it?" I ask pointing to the stranger infront of me.

"This is our neighbor, Mark Taylor. His family is a fan of you guys. He's the one who told us you left off," I don't remember him as a neighbor. 

"I don't remember him as a neighbor." I mumbled. 

"How can you not tell us?" Yay, back to that subject.

"Like what?" I was going hard. They're not my parents. 

"What are you keeping from us?!" They were mad now. All of the Cimorelli kids went down. They're not my siblings anymore.

"The question is what are you keeping from me!!" I fired back. No more nice Dani. 

"What are you saying?!" Mr.Cimorelli yelled. 

"I'm saying who was the one who left me on your doorstep!" I ran to my room. I didn't have tears in my eyes. I have rage in my lungs. The house was silent right now. I'm guessing everyone was speechless. I don't remember Mark Taylor. I searched him up. Everyone has a facebook now so it wouldn't be so hard. No results. Weird. Peculiar. He had a grin on his face all the time when I was fighting with Mo- Mr. and Mrs. Cimorelli. Lisa did say it was a man who hit Katherine. Not him again.

Someone pounded on the door. "Who is it?" I shouted. "Lisa and Lauren" Lisa said for both of them. "What do you want." "Answers." "Go away." "You can't lock us from our room." Fine. I unlocked door. They walked in and shut the door. "Lock it." They did as told. 

"Now, sweetheart what's happening?" Lisa said still oblivious. I showed her and Lauren the photo I kept. "What?" Lauren questioned. "Turn it over." They 'oh'ed at the result. "Dani, just because you're not blood related doesn't mean that we don't love you." "How can you guys not remember?" I mean they should be old enough to realize." "Mom was pregnant then. So..." Lisa said. Wait Mrs.Cimorelli was pregnant then? What? "What do you mean 'then'?" "I'm pretty sure she had a miscarriage." "Oh." 

"Do you guys remember Mark Taylor as a neighbor?" They looked at each other and shook their heads. "That man downstairs claim that's his name." "You don't think.." I nodded because I know what she's talking about. "So what should we do now?" Lauren asked. "We can't straight out and tell him. I already have a strike with Mike and Lynne." "Mike and Lynne?" "What? Their not my parents." "Should we trick him?" "How's the question now." We brainstormed for 10 whole minutes. I bet 'Mark' still down there planning his next attack on one of us. "I got it!" "What?" Me and Lisa said together. "We can see his car. I mean his car is probably the one who hit Kath. He's probably just a amatuer." "That's good, but what if its not? He could be armed for anything." I nod at Lisa's point. "Then we arm ourselves." I say evily. Think big, out of the box.

So many questions are determined here. We armed ourselves. But with what? "What are we gonna arm ourselves?" Lauren sighed. She knows something. She went under the bed and pulled out my box of razors. "Lauren you own these?" Lisa asked. "No! These are Dani's. I found them." They both looked at me. "How'd you know?" I was scared to know why. "I saw you in actioned and hid them away." "Dani you cut." I nodded. "Why?" "Can I explain later. There's an intruder downstairs." I said matter-a-factly. "Wait why aren't Nick and Christina together?" I just wanted to know. "They broke up." Lisa said blankly. "What?" "Christina saw him cheating." "No wonder she's been acting lately." "Yep." 

"So? What do we arm ourselves?" I said bring us back to our earlier question. We looked inside the box to see a knife, tweezers, and a towel. That's no help. "We can take the knife. What else do we have in our room?" We looked around and dig. "I found a belt." Lisa brought up from her clothing mess. "I have ropes from before." Lauren added. "I found pepperspray." I added too. 

"OK, Knife, Belt, Rope, and Pepperspray. I'll take the knife, Lauren you take the belt, and Dani you take the rope and pepperspray." Lisa organized. "How do we hide them?" I asked bluntly. "I will hide it in my jeans pocket and because my shirt is long, Lauren wear the belt, but loosely and Dani hid the pepperspray in your inner jacket and the rope um...push it up your varsity sleeve." We hid it and made sure it was unnoticeable. I hope this works. Plan B is to wing it. 

Wish us luck. 

A/N Whatcha think? Remember to 





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