"Hmmm" he spoke as if relishing a dish.

"What was Dhruv saying?" i asked to distract him as i had seen the caller id.

He paused his torture to answer me "he wanted to know if i will be there for tomorrow's meeting or not?" and he resumed his torture.

"so what did you say?" i asked even though i knew the answer. He groaned as he had to stop again to answer me.

"i said i will be there and before you ask further questions to distract me let me list out the whole schedule for you. We are leaving from here after finishing breakfast. We will shop stuff in port blair today to give gifts and rest in a hotel tonight and then early morning we will leave for Mumbai. By afternoon we will be there and i will attend the meeting in the evening then we will make love in the night and then we will have kids and then we will send them to school and then marry them and then have grandchildren and then we will be old and you will have grey hairs and i would still feel the same about you as i do now..." he spoke at once and i giggled. He concluded "ho gya??? Ya aur batau??"

I shook my head "ho gya" i said giggling. He too smiled.

We had reached Manilla {Mumbai} as per manik's perfect schedule. Fab 5 was waiting for us. They were so excited about our honeymoon, especially, alia, mukti and navya. They wanted to know if i had used up all the sexy dresses that they had packed or not? When i nodded shyly, they jumped up in excitement as if Indian cricket team won the world cup!! Next they wanted to see pics and thankfully manik had separated our private pics and placed in other sd card, so i showed them the less private ones. They gushed at the pics of our scuba diving, snorkelling and kayaking and random beach moments. Mukti exclaimed "how romantic!!" and i made a point in my mind that i will plan her honeymoon so that it would be more romantic than even mine and manik's!

I gave everybody the gifts that i had bought and maa seemed to be extremely happy seeing that i was carrying out my responsibilities pretty well. I was happy to see that they liked the gifts. Next, manik dropped me to murthy villa, my mayka , on his way to the meeting.

I met only amma as appa and bhai were in the office. Amma was joyous to see me. we sat down and talked a lot. I gave her gifts which i had brought. She refused initially but after a lot of persuasion, finally she accepted them. I even asked amma to make my special coffee, it had been so long since i had that and i missed it a lot. Amma was happy to know that i still miss her coffee. I realised she was thinking that maa had taken her place and i don't miss her. I pulled her cheek saying "amma you are so cute! How can you even think that anyone can take your place?? Maa has her own special place in my heart and you have yours. There is no issue of swapping at all" i assured her and she was pleased at last. I was still talking to amma, when i received a text from mukti, which read

"Nandini be at home

We are coming

Situation is a little tensed"

I was alarmed instantly, what could have happened? I texted back

"i will be there but what's the matter?

Everything ok na?"

I wanted to ask if manik was ok, but i stopped myself as it would seem very selfish of me to care about only my husband.

She replied quickly
"Yeah everything is fine
Rest you will know at home"

I took leave from amma immediately and borrowed a car from her with driver.

I reached home in twenty minutes and thankfully they had not arrived yet. I sat down with maa and showed her pictures of our honeymoon. I didn't tell her about mukti's message that would worry her unnecessarily.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें