After affects.

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G! P a p y r u s

"Lace set the knife down now."

What is even happening? I come down here to help out Sans but Lace has a knife in her right hand, about to make incisions into her left.

He's trying to help her, stop her from hurting herself further.

There is only one thing we can do to stop her. I came closer and raised on of my hands, the familiar ding echoing throughout the room.

"Hahaha, this is interesting~"

Lace must've taken something causing her to go into this state. Her soul was the familiar blue colour, even though it was last week I used this it felt like years.


"Hello Sans, what happened to Lace here?"

"I don't know. This must've happened after Lucida and Ibis left the room."

G! S a n s

Papyrus came closer to me and Lace. His eyes were glowing green from his use current use of magic.

"Hello Lace, do you have any idea what is currently happening?"

Lace turned her head to look at him properly, she was trying to back away but Papyrus has control of her body now.

"She appears to be sweating, though it must be quite cold in here."

"Papyrus, what do we do about her? From the looks of it she seems to have taken some codeine."

I know this because I read a few medical books after our mother fell, seeing as Lucida's body is more human.

Paps lowered Lace onto the floor, she looks like she is about to fall asleep. I remember that drowsiness can be an effect of this painkiller. "Let's get this one onto the bed, and throw that knife away."

I struggled a little to remove the object from Lace's grip, she seems to not want to let it go. I should've never watched Frozen with Frisk.

"Hey bro, have you had any problems with contacting Wing?"

"Yes, all of a sudden he stopped talking to me. He said he had to speak with someone else in the void, which did not make much sense."

"Hold on... remember how everyone forgot Chara's name? But after the barrier broke everyone knew about both Frisk and him?"

"Yes, I do. However, Lucida and Asriel were the only ones that remembered his name."

We're both now sat on the plastic chairs in here. If someone who was more materialised sat on these then they would be highly uncomfortable, but we're skeletons after all.

"Speaking of the kiddo. You have any idea why her arm is bandaged up?"

He shook his head. "When I asked apparently she burnt it on the pot when cooking."

"I don't think it was a pot that hurt her."

A/N: I am going to have to end this chapter here, I have been trying to write this for a few days now and this is honestly the best I can do, for now. 

Luckily I do know what to write for the next chapter, but I will post it when I am ready and actually happy with it. 

But I hope you guys enjoyed this, but this book has now hit 4.1k reads! So I thank you all once again for the nice comments and all the votes, it really does make me extremely happy! 

I really should do Papyrus' POV more often, he's just so GAHH. 

The chapter title is all I could do, I really couldn't think of one for this chapter.



Let me try. (Gaster!Sans x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now