I miss them...

590 26 15

L u c i d a

"N-no, I assure you I am absolutely fine Grillby." We were sat in the TV room, just talking about things, we had some of Toriel's butterscotch-cinnamon pie... yes at eleven at night.

"Well, I trust and believe you. What have you been doing to pass time then?"

Grillby usually kept an eye on me, you know like a father would, but it feels like the way Wing used to be. "Oh, reading and drawing. Practiced a little guitar." I responded to Grillby's question. He was lighting up the dark room, the glow felt so comforting and nice. "Good. Now, let's get you back to bed. Toriel would not be happy knowing we were eating her pie this late."

I laughed a little and followed Grillby out, the halls were lit up by him, like I already said it was comforting...

"Hey Lucida. Do you ever feel there is someone missing? But you can't put your finger on who exactly?" That question, I've been asked it before.
"Sometimes..." My voice was almost a whisper, strange how he all of a sudden asks me that. I pull the blue sleeves of my jacket down a little, just as a distraction.

"I see. Do you ever talk to Marco about these things?" I knew Grillby was looking at me, so I shook my head slightly in response. "Have you tried explaining?" I slightly nod, and look at Grillby properly now.
"It's honestly difficult, because I have known him my whole life yet when it comes to explaining I always, excuse my language, fuck it up."
"Don't worry, I'm sure one day there will be someone to talk to."

This reminds me of Sans, he was the only person I could vent to about the RESETS, slightly about Gaster, and my feelings. It's the same with Sans himself, he was the only other person in the Underground who understood, but his smile was usually fake trying to do his best to make the people around him happy.

(Author-chan is slightly tearing up)

The jokes, the puns everything. Sans was always trying to get the best things for me and Papyrus, his old room had simple furnishing and was not fully decorated, many say due to laziness but they didn't understand, actually to this day they don't.

When everyone talks about my brothers they mention how Sans was lazy, but I always bite my tongue and listen to them.

"I will talk with you after school, think you'll be able to handle a five-hour shift?" We stopped outside my room, I replied yes with a smile. "Now, get some sleep!"

Lucida. Do you think he remembers a little about me?

Maybe, how do you feel about it?

AMAZING! OMG I AM... what do you call it again?


THAT! Oh you should really get some sleep now... but don't worry, Sans and Papyrus do not know about you being up.

Haha, good. I'll speak to you tomorrow then.

I remove my boots and lay back down on my bed, my desk is covered with the pens and pencils now, but that can be sorted out after school.

You know, it's funny how Papyrus now understands everything. The RESETS, the timeline's, Gaster... just everything. Honestly I fucking miss the way they used to be, but I hate saying it out loud.

A chill, joke loving skeleton turned into someone who smokes (again), doesn't laugh as much when a joke or pun is told, a dick to a lot of people, his clothing, the fact he has some people call him G...

Then a narcissistic, spaghetti loving skeleton turned into someone who is calm, understanding, patient...

If you're wondering, I still feel the same(ish) and always, always get told I never changed a bit, my style is ever so slightly different, but then I am eighteen... but the scars on my face do not help a single bit.

This jacket is warm and cosy, exactly how I like it... 

Let me try. (Gaster!Sans x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now