"Ahh.."Jin moaning in pleasure.

Namjoon started pulled off Jin's shirt and kiss his neck again to his nipples then he lick it slowly making Jin moaning and get a boner.

He then pulled off his own shirt and smirk as he look at Jin's pants."Looks like you got a boner though.."Namjoon said and Jin blush madly.

He was about to unzipped Jin's pants but Jin push him to the bed and Namjoon is sitting with his back on the bed head.Jin started kiss Namjoon which is surprised him.

Jin smile and unzipped Namjoon's pants reveal his already hard erection."What are you doing?"Namjoon ask and Jin grab Namjoon's length and stroke it slightly then, he begin to lick the tips.

Namjoon groaning and Jin feel guilty if he didn't satisfied Namjoon because this is his first time.He guess that this isn't enough and begin to took all of Namjoon's length into his mouth.

it's huge.

He suck vigorously and Namjoon keep on groaning and moaning in pleasure he feel.
"Damn,Jin where did you learn this?"Namjoon ask and feel his stomach tightened and something is about to explode.

Jin didn't missed stealing glance at Namjoon and begin to suck in and out of his mouth making Namjoon jolted his body making his length hit Jin's throat.

Jin couldn't help but moaning into Namjoon's length.Namjoon could feel he was about to come and he accidently come into Jin's mouth and Jin didn't swallow but he let go of Namjoon's length .

Namjoon grab the sheets and put it under Jin's chin.He held Jin's chin and lifted his chin to look at him.His cum was still inside Jin's mouth."Jin spilled it!''He said.

Jin ignored it and swallowed Namjoon's cum.He could feel the liquid run through his throat and he ended it with gulp.

"Jin, you're so stubborn!you know it's bad for your health!"Namjoon said and Jin blush.

"It's my turn.."Namjoon said and push Jin to lay on the bed.He started to unzipped Jin's pants and pulled of his boxers and toasted them to the floor.

he stroke Jin's length and earning a groan from him."Ahh..Namjoon please.."Jin moaning.

"Oh fuck.."He keep on moaning.

Namjoon then put two fingers into Jin's mouth and ask him to suck.After that, he pull them out and push two fingers into Jin's holes making Jin screaming painfully."Oh my god!what is that?"Jin ask.

He keep on thrusting until he hit Jin's prostate and hit them a several times which sending him the pleasure.

"Ahh.."He moaning as he slip his fingers to his hair.

Namjoon then pulled out his fingers and Jin feel empty and wanted more."Namjoon please..."He said.

"Relax Jin.."Namjoon said and stroking his length before, he put his member at the tips of the holes as he put Jin's leg on his shoulder.

"Tell me if it's hurt okay?"Namjoon said and Jin nodded.Namjoon begin to push all of his length into Jin's tight holes."Ahh fuck it's hurt!"Jin scream as he feel the pain as Namjoon's huge erection in his holes.

Jin couldn't control the tears from rolling down.The pain is seriously killing him.He try to make himself comfortable with wiggling hid butt.

"It's okay,Jin.It'll getting better later!"
Namjoon said and begin to kiss Jin on the lips.He bite Jin's lower lips and Jin moaning into the kiss.

Namjoon pulled away and thrust slowly.

"Ahh..ergh.."Jin moaning as he feel the pleasure as Namjoon hit his best spot.
"Ah ...Namjoon..!"Jin instructed and Namjoon thrusted genuinely until the bed hit the wall.

Jin hold tighter onto the bed sheets.

Namjoon then kiss Jin again and he stuck in his tongue to feel every part of Jin's mouth causing Jin to moan nonstop.The feelings of Jin pulled his hair make it feel really good.

Namjoon pulled away and grabbed Jin's erection then stroke them slowly.

A tears rolled down again and Jin pulled Namjoon for a kiss.

"Namjoon, i-im" Jin utter as he let go of Namjoon and feel a tightened in his stomach,something is about to explode.

"it's okay,just come on my hand.."Namjoon said and Jin come with a thick white liquid on his hand as soon as he screaming.After a several minutes,Namjoon came inside Jin and Jin could feel the warm.

Namjoon make a one last thrust and pulled out his length then lay besides Jin on the bed.

Namjoon then hug Jin by the waist and bring the boy really closer to his own body.
He kissed Jin shoulder smoothly to his neck."Did I hurt you?"Namjoon ask whispering into Jin's ear.

Jin move his body to face Namjoon and held his face."A little because it's my first time.."Jin said and smile warmly.Namjoon took the opportunity to peck Jin's lips.

"You are mine now!"Namjoon said.

"All of this is mine!"He continued and roaming his hand all over Jin's body then squeeze his butt slightly making Jin gasp.

"I really love you Jin."Namjoon said and hug Jin tightly."I love you too,Namjoon!"
Jin said and move closer to Namjoon's embrace to feel more warm under the blanket.


hell yea. sorry if the smut is suck and didn't make y'all people satisfied. Damn I've no future in writing smut anyways LMFAO.
uncontrolled love 2 is really something. anyone watch it? :)

so enjoy reading ,love 💕🌌

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