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Jin stare emptiy outside th windows of his classrooms.He look at the birds that are flying freely at the sky like they has no problems.Well it's animals they didn't have mind to think they only think to how to survive their life and build up their nest.

But,animal is really kindhearted bcs they love their baby so much unlike human who keeps leaving their children lonely.
Despite,some useless parents did harm towards their children.(filler)

He sigh when he think of it.He feels like dying during this two weeks.He wanted a help,a hug,a kiss and someone who can soothe him like he is the only boy the person seen.

But,yes a several boy has asked him out but he rejected them sweetly.

Then,the bell ring.It's mean that another teacher will come up to teach.When the teacher arrived,everybody got up including Jin.

After that,they sit down on their chair again and begin to pay attention to the teacher.
Bad things that it was Sir.Minho.Jin didn't give any attention on what Sir Minho is teaching.

he only admire the view outside the class even though,Myungsoo ask him to pay attention many times he still didn't listen to him.All Myungsoo could do is sigh.

He has been asked Jin why he acted weird this two weeks.Jin just answered nothing and if he poke out Namjoon's name he will denied that the fact he miss Namjoon so much.

Myungsoo know everything inside Jin's heart even they have knew each other for a several month.He is already understand Jin.Yet he is once loving Jin but, now he has Hoya with him so he just cared about Jin in a friends to friends ways.

"Yah Kim Seokjin!What are you looking at?"
The voice make Jin jumped a bit from his thought."Huh?I'm looking at you,sir!"Jin said as he look at his teacher with a kind of nervous.

"Really?Then,what is the answer of this question?"Sir.Minho ask as he point at the question with the stick.

"Ah sorry sir..I-I don't understand when you're teaching..can you please repeat the formula sir?"Jin said and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't lie to me,Mr.Kim!I have been watching you since I got into this class.
Detention room after school!"Sir.Minho said and continue teaching.

Jin sigh and curse under his breath.


Jin is waiting for Myungsoo who is meeting up Mrs.Solji bcs he has something to ask her.Jin keep stealing glances into the private room of the teacher.He wanted to know Myungsoo is already finished or not.

"Myungsoo ah,I'm going to the canteen a while.."Jin said and earn a nods from the other boy.

He walk to the canteen alone and then he make his way to the canteen counter to order a fresh orange which you can't tell how much it worth to him in this kind of situation.

Then,he choose to sit right under the fan.

He drinks the orange juice and leaning his head on the table.He feels like someone has mention Namjoon's name and it was mentioned by the girls behind him which like a 1 Meter distance from and they has just arrived.

"You know Namjoon has finally came to school!he look so freaking different.Geez, i could give my virginity to him.."One of the girls said.

Is it true?

but,the rest of the words make his blood boiled and he just shrugged it off.

Jin still keep his head on the table.He didn't want the girls to recognize him.

"Yeah..i know like oh my god look at his hair,his body..well some says that he come to school with a neat uniform.Damn!"
Another one said with a bit fangirling voice and it makes Jin feel annoying.

But,thats didn't matter at all the least is now is it true that Namjoon has come to school?

Then,He could hear the girls leaving the canteen and it's make him sigh in relieve.
He thought about the previous conversation between the girls then he feels disgusted and the urge wanna slap them really hard.

He feel a hand on his shoulder and he jumped a bit.He look at the person and glare at him."What the fuck,Myungsoo!"
Jin said.

"Haha Jin,you don't have any idea who was at Mrs.Solji's office previously!"
Myungsoo said."Is it Namjoon?"Jin said and Myungsoo is a little stunned at it.

"H-how did you know?"Myungsoo ask and furrow his eyebrows."I heard those annoying girls fangirling about him.."Jin said and try so hard to not to ask How is Namjoon's condition right now.

"Oh.You know what? He's Changed.
Completely changed!"Myungsoo said and it's making Jin wanted to meet him so bad.
Wait what?

"Why didn't you say anything?"Myungsoo ask."Bcs I don't have anything to talk about,you know I hate him!"Jin said.
"Jin,I don't understand why you let the ego get rid over you?I know you still love him!"
Myungsoo said and sigh in frustration.

"Stop it!can't you?"He continued."What are you talking about?Ego?love?Hah!You got the wrong idea.It's true that I hate him! Why don't you understand?"Jin said.

"Okay then..I don't wanna talk too much.Bcs we will ended up fighting!"
Myungsoo said.


The school session finally finished and it's mean that Jin need to go to the detention room.He sigh and walk slowly to the room.

He open the door and sit on the chair.He didn't notice that Mr.MinHo is there too.
"Finally,Mr.Kim!"He said and Jin mentally curse."I need you to solve this math question..Don't leave this room until yoi finished all of this..If I know you leave, i bring you to the principal."He said then leave the room.

"What a worst day.."Jin utter and do the question.Then,he heard a really familiar laughter.He walk to the window and shock as he saw it was Bangtan and shock even more as he saw him.They are playing basketball but, why the hell they choose today ?

He get back to his seat and solves the question but, he can't think anymore.His mind filled with him, him, him and him.

Then,he heard the door crack open and he got really shock.

Why now ?


yo yo yo cliffhanger there .

Who would it be? 😂💕
Just leave a comment if you know who it is hehe.

history project settled bro ✔
Wednesday is da day 🎉✔

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