A Celebration For The Broken {Edited}

Start from the beginning

Mark stared at me, his blank face reading into me. "Congratulations, you're time has come, child. You are my greatest prorogue."

With that, I took the pill bottle from his hands and popped one. I gave a toothy grin as my white pupils started to haze. "I'll see you on the other side, Mark."


Hell. It's a place where all the trouble makers, murderers and, all the psychopaths go. But, what happens when Hell is nor a place or time of being? What happens when hell is told through the eyes of the demented soul? She is Hell , yet, she could make Hell feel just like home. (Pierce The Veil reference guys!! >•< ) We'll call her, Anastasia. Anastasia was like a drug,a poisonous sin. With every drop of her poisonous tongue, she sipped the wine of death and fed it to her wolves. The pack ran the woods and bit whom ever they saw to be fit for their torment. They bent and twisted the world into these...these powers of which cannot be explain. I could dare to speak of their authority and threat that lie between the logic of human stability. Yes, the common wolf does no such harm but, when they are possessed by the unholy realm, they are no longer apart of the sanity of which those humans would say reality or so, the reality of which their minds develop. This hell, will forever live on. Even in her eyes, the fire will forever rage on. After her death, it will pass on to another unsuspecting victim. She, the poor fawn, was her newest victim. Making the psychotic boy chase her down like prey and he, was hungry. The shark like teeth bit into her flesh making the does cry out in agony. She laughed and laughed,knowing that she put all her power into Jeff. Do you see it? The hell in his eyes? Tell me that you do because if not, you better run. He'll be knocking at your door anytime be and when her catches you, you'll see every single nightmare you ever dreamed of.


I awoke to the jolt of electricity pricking at my skin. A flash of green blurred my sight as the person stung me again.

"God damnit Ben, stop shocking me, it fucking hurts." I groaned out.

"Then wake up already. I've been doing this a good ten minutes." Ben whined, continuing his shocking.

"Ben, if you don't stop in the next few seconds, I swear I'll break every video game you own and have Smile chew up your consoles. Got it?! " Oh, the fear in his cherry red irises made me laugh to the point of almost shedding a tear. Ben dashed from the room screaming how he'd never let me touch any of his "precious babies". I only laughed and preceded to clothe myself.

Since it was Sally we were talking about, she had wanted me to make the cake; she said it would mean the world to her. Now, don't get me wrong, I love that kid beyond anything but, I'm not making her a cake. One, I can't bake to save my fucking life and two, if I was the one to bake the cake, Slender would have to kick me out of the mansion for accidentally killing halve of the pastas by food poisoning. There is only one option left, and it is one I'm not sure that I'm willing to take.


I was standing at the foot of (Y/N's) bed as she slept so serenely. Her (H/C) hair was tossed about while her hands hugged her weakened body. The blinds to her room were shut tightly; a thick novel sitting upon her nightstand with a pink marker placing her last page read. Every now and then, she'd shuffle her body around, grasping at the sheets while her (F/C) tank top rose little by little.

She looks so peaceful... Well, time to change that.

"Doll, " I whispered out to her. She clutched the covers once again, moving her hands towards her gauzes. "Doll, it's time to wake up. " She groaned, taking a stuffed animal and throwing it my way.

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