o   For the night before our wedding

o   For when  you want to escape the world

o   For when you’re feeling worried

o   For whenever I’m not around

o   For when you have something to tell me and don’t know how to say it

o   For when I mess up

o   For when sorry just isn’t enough

o   For our anniversary

The list went on and on each letter relating to some possible time in my life.

‘’Harry?’’ I asked raising and eyebrow at him whilst showing him my massive smile.

‘’Just read the first one’’ he says simply showing me an equally massive smile.

Nodding I reach for the first envelope.


The whole point of these letters is because well although I haven’t quite got round to telling you yet (maybe I have by the time you’re reading this) but well I love you.

Like not in a friend way, not in a family way. In a love of my life kind of way.

I hope by now you know this and maybe we’re together? Although I never said I wanted a relationship I guess maybe me and you could make it work.

Actually I don’t even know if you feel the same way about me, you probably don’t but I really hope you do.

I don’t know how many of these letters I’ll write or if you’ll ever even see this one but I’m going to stop now and leave the rest blank to write on the day I decide to give it to you…..


What I wrote a few months ago is just how I feel right now well more than I did then a lot more!

The whole point of these letters is because clearly I’m no good with words I tried to propose the other day and look where that got me haha.

I’ve written these for lots of different times in your life and you can read them all more than once such as the one for when we argue and its my fault and the one for when I mess up because I can guarantee that’s going to happen a lot more than once. And for that I’m sorry but I’ve just got to hope you can deal with me and all my shit because without you nothing seems right.

A few months ago when I wrote that I loved you like the love of my life I don’t think I fully realised what I was saying but I do now. I love you more than I thought to be humanly possible, you and your love it consumes me. It makes me who I am, it makes me a better person, the person I wish I’d being all along. I love you like a soul mate.

I love you like a husband loves a wife.

Be my wife?

Forever and always no matter what you say I’m yours, Harry xxxxxxx

Blinking a couple of times as a tear or two slip from my eye I look up at Harry to see his face full of doubt and worry.

‘’That was beautiful’’ I smile wiping away the couple of tears that had fallen.

 He smiles weakly still not speaking.

I don’t say anything either because I’m not sure what to say.

‘’Can I have a little while to think?’’ I ask nervously.

‘’Of course’’ he nods slipping a little closer to me as we both look up at the sky.

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now