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"Goodbye Mr. Backwards!"

"Goodbye Pipe! I've missed you!"

"We talked yesterday, weirdo."

"I know it was so long ago."

"Aw you're so sweet Mr. Backwards."

"I know right."


"So how's life?"

"Good I'm doing online school until my Dad goes to court to win full ownership of me."

"So you won't have to see your mom anymore?"

"Nope, thank goodness."

"That's great Pipe."

"Yep I also went to the doctor and I got some mediation for my depression so hopefully I'll have more good days than bad."

"What about eating?"

"No one knows about that but you."


"I still don't know how you found out."

"You never ate lunch at school and you are so tiny...I mean your too skinny, Pipe."

"I have to be too skinny to be good enough."

"Don't tell yourself that lie."

"It's not a lie."

"Of course it's a lie. You are perfect just the way you are."

Author's note:
Hey guys!! Tomorrow is the start of finals and I'm not looking forward to it... Remember to comment and vote! Love you guys!
Till next time~bloomagd

The Backwards EffectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang