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"Mr. Backwards I have come to say goodbye."

"Wait...not like actually goodbye right?"

"No doofus like hello goodbye."

"Oh thank goodness!"

"I'm sorry. I'm so difficult."

"You're not difficult. You're perfect, Pipe."

"No I'm not, you are."

"Why thank you! I guess I'm not so backwards, right?"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Ouch Pipe!"


"If I'm so backwards I should talk backwards too."



"Oh my goodness."

"Os woh saw ruoy yad?"

"You can stop now."

"Dna yhw dluow I od taht?"

"I'm going to hang up, now."



"I evol uoy."

Author's note:
Hey guys!!! I can't believe I have school tomorrow!!! Ughhh anyway how's your guys week been??? Remember to comment and vote! Love you guys!
Till next time~bloomagd

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