e p i l o g u e

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This story can end anyway you want it to. But this is the way I like to imagine it:

"Hello, my wonderful husband."

"We're not married yet Pipe."

"But we're engaged so...close enough."

"Have you looked at dresses yet?"


"Pipe what's wrong?"

"N-nothing I'm just hungry."

"Alright, what do you want to eat?"


"Baby are you okay?"

"I'm so scared."

"What? Why?"

"What if I look fat in my wedding dress?"

"Pipe, you are healthy. You are perfectly, amazingly beautiful. I can't wait for you to be mine forever."

"...I-I don't want to be fat, Mr. Backwards."

"You've never been fat and you never will be."

"What if you think I'm ugly and don't want to marry me anymore?"

"Piper you know that will never happen."

"Maybe...I can skip lunch today."

"No! I will not let this happen! Not again!"

"Please! It's just lunch! I...I just can't..."

"No...shhhh stop...it's okay. I'm going to order you a salad from that vegan place you love...okay?"

"Kiss me now, Noah."




"Take care of me forever."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Goodbye, Mr. Backwards."

"Goodbye, Pipe."

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