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"Do you know what my shirt is made out of?"

"Don't you dare say boyfriend material."

"Aw so you've heard that before?"

"Everyone has heard that before, Mr. Backwards."

"Okay fine I tried."

"You didn't even say goodbye."

"I'm sorry, goodbye."

"Dumb Mr. Backwards."

"Yeah, yeah sure."

"Anyway...we never finished our Hunger Games conversation."

"I don't want to talk to you about the everlasting love of everlark."

"Oh my gosh! You are such a fanboy!"


"I mean I think me and Peeta would make a great couple."

"Stop you're killing my ear drums."

"Will you ever just admit that you're jealous of a fictional character?"

"Fine I'm jealous of a fictional character."

Author's note:
Hey guys! Merry Christmas!!! Happy holidays!!! I hope you guys are having a great day!! Remember to comment and vote! Love you guys!
Till next time~ bloomagd

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