Smiles & waterfalls

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Chapter 4


This girl is refreshing, a drop of water which the Sahara desert would blush at the site of.

We've only known each other for a couple of days and somehow it feels like we've never been apart.

My hands get all jittery when I think about those blue eyes of hers, they're hypnotic. I get so lost in them. Sometimes I feel like I could just let the world go by through the reflection she radiates so blissfully.

I haven't been able to sleep at all, her voice keeps on ringing in my ears refueling my adrenaline. I need to spend more time with her.

Federico Sebastián Antonio Pérez , get your shit together and message her already, I told myself.

The anticipation pumped through my body as the delivery message on my screen confirmed that it had sent; it felt like an entirety until she responded.

She replied simply with one word that set my heart beat off a record high. Yes.

This girl is good, she learns how to read quickly it seems, I confided in myself.

I like her just a little bit more than I should, she's growing on me, I hope age won't become an obstacle because the only thing I'm bothered about is her being in my arms tonight.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for her lips and her mesmerising eyes. I can't stop thinking about her.

I lay in bed for a couple minutes still trying to digest exactly what she'd said. I'd never been this attracted to a girl before; somehow it makes me feel relieved that she's so forward, at least it confirms that she feels the same way.

Damn, I can already feel myself falling for this chica.

After the initial shock had worn off a little I decided to begin the task of planning my day; but the problem was that all I wanted to do was pop round to her apartment and just be with her.

That's all I need right now.

The sharp cut of the shaving blade against my chin felt refreshing as I dabbed my favourite cologne across the distinguishable stubble that I usually left to frame my face.

I'm shameless when it came to knowing the impact that I have on women and my signature scent always drove them over the edge.

The scent of Lavender always soothed my nerves and reminded me of home. I patted my hands against my tanned cheeks ensure everything was secure before I took a moment to examine myself

Looking good today, my friend I agreed with myself.

I always ensured to be lascivious, sensual and provocative but this girl makes me like that all the time in her company.

As I plodded across the creaky floorboards of my one bedroom flat, I felt this flood of happiness pumping through my veins. I was excited to see her later; the smile that was drawn across my face was proving it.

There's something about this girl, I hummed.

I could feel my mother scowling at me across the cream counters in my kitchen, although the mass of water between us somehow made me realise that my subconscious was just playing tricks with me.

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