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Chapter 1


Ten years has passed since the beginning of my love story and yet putting pen to paper to document the reality of it has always terrified me.

Life can pass by in a blink of a second, but it feels like it will never stop.

Reflecting on it now brings a smile to my matured lips. I still feel seventeen at heart and yet the mention of his name fills me with a bitter sweet taste and butterflies inside my stomach.

At the age of seventeen, I was the definition of young, naïve and carefree. I was a hormonal teenager craving adulthood and yet chained to the orders of everyone around me.

You'd probably assume that Lisa and I were just the standard twenty-something-year-olds letting our hair down after an exhausting week.

And yet we were far from it.

We tried to fool the perception of everyone; It became a running battle against our admirers to distinguish how old we really were.

We were walking sex hormones, breath us in and you'll know what I mean.

We were good at pretending, but aren't most teenagers good at hiding at least something?

"One of the best nights of my life," Lisa grinned as we entered our tube carriage.

Well, more like stumbled.

We went all-out with makeup and glitter and wore outfits to amuse and please the eyes of onlookers. We aimed to tempt them with our hormonal lust for attention.

Isn't that what we all crave at that age, attention?

We'd bought tickets to a concert in Brixton and were travelling back on the tube as our Friday night rolled over into the early hours of Saturday morning.

Lisa had clearly gulped down far more vodka than I realised, which meant that I needed to monitor her antics. She continued to dance to the beat of her own drum as carefree as you could ever hope to be.

Her fits of random giggly definitely made it look like we were on something, not just adrenaline, not just the buzz of youth. We were obviously wasted.

"I reckon we should go to some bars, I'm not even tired yet and neither are you." Lisa smiled flirtatiously.

"I reckon you're wasted." I raised my eyebrows cheekily towards her.

"I reckon we'd have fun." She challenged me.

"I reckon we should just try to get home." I calmly declined her proposal for more boozed up shenanigans.

My head was still so buzzed from the concert. The whole experience had lifted my mood, so I decided to join Lisa in her climax of the evening as we both started laughing hysterically at each other.

It was one of those brief moments, where neither of us really could quite defend our actions or our overflowing laughter, we didn't even have to communicate properly to share such euphoric moments.

We bounced off hazily at the next stop and frantically chased up the stairs ready for our next adventure.

"Bars are open till 4AM and you know it." She twirled a strand of my hair in an effort to persuade me.

I shook my head in disapproval and then let out a satisfied giggle as she pretended to care.

She sighed in defeat.

The streets were pretty empty, but sometimes unpredictable things happen just when you don't expect them.

"Let's play truth or dare, minus the truth part." Lisa smiled. "I dare you to dance like nobodies watching." Lisa hoaxed me on spontaneously.

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