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Chapter 5


I couldn't resist myself from phoning Federico early in the morning, he had become all my thoughts could focus on.

I felt anxious and needed to be reunited with him again. My fingers quickly dialled his number, it was already  memorised by then. I panicked as I heard the phone ring.

And then I heard the hushed tones of his breaths on the other line and I was calm again.

"Federico," my sleepy voice greeted him as I curled my body into a tight little ball compressing the heat against my duvet.

"Morning Señorita, what do I owe you pleasure at eight o'clock on a Thursday morning." His pitch hitched up slightly which made me crave her body next to mine in that moment.

His accent was so irresistible straight after he's woken up, it sent a repetition of tingles all across my body. I felt like a bumble bee in search for its nectar; cravings it's delicious release.

"Could I borrow you today? I proposed; eagerly hoping he would agree.

"Hmm ... It depends on..." His words tantalized me.

His response caught me off guard as I began to run the back of my neck subconsciously eager to hear his proposal. His company made me feel so daring, I plucked up the courage to be daring towards him.

I could hear him scratching his chin as his delicate fingers came into contact with his stubble on the other end of the phone and for a minute I wished I was the one releasing his itch.

If he was in my bed right now I'd climb on top of him and plant a trail of kisses across his chest and finish at chin before I would relieve him.

I let my imagination indulge in some promiscuous thoughts until I responded to him to ensure I had the full attention of my admirer.

He coughed subtly, which I assumed meant he was running out of patients.

"What does it depend on Fede?" I practically purred as I pronounced his sonorous name.

"Well my friend Zara had tickets to see the Nutcracker at the Royal Opera House tonight, but she just split up with her girlfriend."

"So what does that mean?" I stated blatantly my voice sounded harsh but I hadn't intended for it to.

I rubbed my temples in an effort to soothe my racing thoughts as he mentioned he had a close girlfriend.

Char, are you seriously getting jealous that he has other girls in his life? I scorned myself.

I''m a hypocrite when the subject of  relationships with the opposite sex is raised but still I felt  like I've been stung a little by the mention of her name. I don't like sharing people; especially someone as wonderous as Federico.

Are they close friends? Why hasn't he mentioned her before? I proposed in my head.

"Well it means one of two things," his voice box teased me; which my body had begun to respond to."Firstly it means that now I have two tickets to see a romantic ballet and secondly it also means.." I heard him gulp; which I could only presume was a cappuccino at this hour.

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