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Chapter 14


"I had such an amazing time last night." A female voice purred in my ear.

As I rolled over in my bed my eyes were initially met by the naked physique of my best friend's sister, who I've been sleeping with in order to get over her. Her curves are so irresistible and I can't really help myself but take a few moments to absorb her perfect figure whilst she's in the nude.

And then my eyes registered that my clock face read: 8:16AM.

Shit, Charlotte's gonna be over in ten minutes, I thought to myself.

"Lissy I had a really good time last night ... but the thing is." I swore to myself that I'd tell her that her Charlotte was coming over but I failed to  form my thoughts into words.

Instead Lissy's seductive and persuasive lower lip had caught my attention and was already in between my teeth. She let out a noise which I can only associate with utter attraction. The style that she pronounced my name in that moment made me everything else so insignificant.

I slid my bare hands across her exposed skin and relished at the thought that I could spend the whole morning exploring her body for the second time this morning. Her lips nibbled my skin as if it was the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted.

"Lissy I need you to go ...." even my tone of voice wasn't convinced by my statement, as my breaths were hitched from her touch,"I have a friend coming round in five minutes." My words were stern but we both knew that I didn't want to stop.

Somehow my distracted hands hadn't gotten the message as they continued to caress her delicate skin. She trailed a finger across my abdomen with a mischievous look on her face.

"Come on Jac only five more minutes and then I'll stop playing." She giggled; which made my job a whole lot harder.

After a couple more minutes of dissolving myself in the pleasure pool which my bed had become, I rolled out of bed and murmured a few curse words under my breath as getting up had taken  a lot longer than I anticapted. I knew that Charlotte always runs a few minutes later than she promises to be; so my stress levels remained non existent.

I could hear Lissy mumbling something about how she was just messing around and I knew that but I always knew that Charlotte would castrate me if she would ever find out that I was sleeping with her sister.

Jacques what have you got yourself into?  I murmured to myself.

"Lissy what are you doing to me?" I whispered as I was about to take another sip of the coffee which I had brewed for myself whilst Lissy had been sleeping an hour earlier.

I almost spit out my coffee as the doorbell to my apartment sounded.

Oh double shit.

I squared the clock in my kitchen to realise that Charlotte was on time and Lissy was still in my bedroom and everything right now was just not going to plan.

I dropped my mug onto the counter without even thinking through my next couple of actions. I headed straight for my bedroom, with a slightly alarmed look on my face as I confronted Lissy with the situation; not giving myself much time to really think over what how I would explain this one.

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