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Chapter 10


"Shh, you'll wake everyone in my complex up." I giggled furiously, as Jacques frantically meddled with the elevator buttons.

The days were getting longer and the nights were getting shorter as our body clocks were readjusting and I was still so alert and awake, luckily Jacques had kept me company this evening.

"I'm not even being that ..." I pressed my finger to his lips gently, forcing a smile to grow across his amused face.

I probably shouldn't have agreed earlier to claiming that I could drink him under the table; it seems quite obvious right now who the alpha was in our friendship.

I was happily soaking up the cocktails as the under dog, which I had downed at a breath taking rate. I could consume a drink within the blink of an eye, which evidently would result in being more than a little worse for wares.

Oh shit, which floor do I live on?

All of my common sense and actual intelligence must have been left at that bar, because right now I'm trying to rack my brains and remember which level I live on. Is it five or six?

I've lived in this building my whole life and yet for the life of me, I can't remember. Somehow I found this hysterically amusing and couldn't contain my outbursts of laughter.

It's sort of like when you have those mind blacks and you forget who you are or why you wanted to say something. The synapses inside your brain just decide to start doing a dance routine instead of connecting the dots.

"I'm not being that loud," Jacques tickled my sides and I had to hold back my highly embarrassing cackles from escaping my voice box, he would tease me forever if he got the chance to hear those.

"You're probably gonna hate me right now, but I have no fucking clue which floor I'm on and I don't really care to be honest with you. I think we should go to the roof or something." I was distracted by the illuminated fire exit sign that caught my attention.

"I'm not tired anyways and that sounds like an 'A' class Jacques idea, that I proudly can say is mine." I raised my eyebrows to encourage him. I played with my jumper as I awaited his response, sulking like a little child. It worked every time.

Smugly I grabbed his hands and sprinted up the fire exit staircase, not even waiting for his response. Thinking about it; he could of objectified but in that split second, I didn't really care whether he left.

"Race you to the roof." My legs embarked on the journey ahead.

I just needed to fill these lungs with some teeth chattering fresh air, before I keeled over from my buzzing head; which surely would result in a throbbing headache in a few hours, as it frequently always does. I still haven't learnt my limits with alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages were still not extremely well acquainted with my stomach, I'm not sure if they ever will be. Tomorrows hangover will confirm my hypothesis I assumed.

After my initial quick pace, I realised that the remaining two flights of stairs seemed absolutely impossible for my body to function towards. I was a perspiring mess.

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